Establishing boundaries of the genetic kind

The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is a critical area on the Y chromosome that swaps genetic information with the X chromosome. Recent research from the Page Lab reaffirms the location of PAR and offers a refined understanding of where crossover events occur.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
October 14, 2024

At first, the X and the Y sex chromosomes seemed like an unlikely pair. But then, researchers, including Whitehead Institute Member David Page, began finding clues that suggested otherwise: identical DNA sequences on the X and Y chromosomes.

Soon, it became clear that the tips of the X and Y chromosomes join together in a tight embrace, swapping genetic material during the process of sperm production from immature male germ cells. This limited area of genetic exchange between the two sex chromosomes is called the pseudoautosomal region (PAR).

But science is an iterative process—a continuous cycle of questioning, testing, and revising knowledge. Last fall, what had long been considered well established in genetics was called into question when new research suggested that the boundary of the PAR might be half a million base pairs away from the accepted location. Given that a typical human gene is about tens of thousands of base pairs, this length would potentially span multiple genes on the X and Y chromosomes, raising serious concerns about the accuracy and validity of decades of scientific literature.

Fortunately, new work from Page, research scientist Daniel Winston Bellott, and colleagues—published Oct. 14 in the American Journal of Human Genetics—offers clarity. In this study, the group re-examines the size of the PAR using sequencing data presented by outside researchers in their 2023 work, alongside decades of genomic resources, and single-cell sequencing of human sperm. Their findings confirm that the location of the boundary to the PAR, as identified by scientists in 1989, still holds true.

“If one is interested in understanding sex differences in health and disease, the boundary of the pseudoautosomal region is arguably the most fundamental landmark in the genome,” says Page, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Investigator with Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “Had this boundary been multiple genes off, the field would have been shaken to its foundations.”

Dance of the chromosomes

The X and Y chromosomes evolved from an ancestral pair of chromosomes with identical structures. Over time, the Y chromosome degenerated drastically, losing hundreds of functional genes. Despite their differences, the X and Y chromosomes come together during a special type of cell division called male meiosis, which produces sperm cells.

This process begins with the tips of the sex chromosomes aligning side by side like two strands of rope. As the X and Y chromosomes embrace each other, enzymes create breaks in the DNA. These breaks are repaired using the opposite chromosome as a template, linking the X and Y together. About half of the time, an entire segment of DNA, which often contains multiple genes, will cross over onto the opposite chromosome.

The genetic exchange, called recombination, concludes with the X and Y chromosomes being pulled apart to opposite ends of the dividing cell, ensuring that each chromosome ends up in a different daughter cell. “This intricate dance of the X and Y chromosomes is essential to a sperm getting either an X or a Y—not both, and not neither,” says Page.

This way when the sperm—carrying either an X or a Y—fuses with the egg—carrying an X—during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the right number of chromosomes and a mix of genetic material from both parents.

But that’s not all. The swapping of DNA during recombination also allows for the chromosomes to have the same genes but with slight variations. These unique combinations of genetic material across sex chromosomes are key to genetic diversity within a species, enabling it to survive, adapt, and reproduce successfully.

Beyond the region of recombination, the Y chromosome contains genes that are important for sex determination, for sperm production, and for general cellular functioning. The primary sex-defining gene, SRY, which triggers the development of an embryo into a male, is located only 10,000 bases from the boundary of the PAR.

Advancing together

To determine whether the location of this critical boundary on the human sex chromosomes—where they stop crossing over during meiosis and become X-specific or Y-specific—had been misidentified for over three decades, researchers began by comparing publicly-available DNA sequences from the X and the Y chromosomes of seven primate species: humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, siamangs, rhesus macaques, and colobus monkeys.

Based on the patterns of crossover between the X and the Y chromosomes of these species, the researchers constructed an evolutionary tree. Upon analyzing how DNA sequences close to and distant from the PAR boundary group together across species, the researchers found a substitution mutation—where a letter in a long string of letters is swapped for a different one—in the DNA of the human X and Y chromosomes. This change was also present in the chimpanzee Y chromosome, suggesting that the mutation originally occurred in the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees and was then transferred to the human X chromosome.

“These alignments between various primates allowed us to observe where the X and the Y chromosomes have preserved identity over millions of years and where they have diverged,” says Bellott. “That [pseudoautosomal] boundary has remained unchanged for 25 million years.”

Next, the group studied crossover events in living humans using a vast dataset of single-cell sequencing of sperm samples. They found 795 sperm with clear swapping of genetic material somewhere between the originally proposed boundary of the PAR and the newly-proposed 2023 boundary.

Once these analyses confirmed that the original location of the PAR boundary remains valid, Page and his team turned their attention to data from the 2023 study that contested this 1989 finding. The researchers focused on 10 male genomes assembled by the outside group, which contained contiguous sequences from the PAR.

Since substitutions on the Y chromosome typically occur at a steady rate, but in the PAR, changes on the X chromosome can transfer to the Y through recombination, the researchers compared the DNA sequences from the ten genomes to determine whether they followed the expected steady rate of change or if they varied.

The team found that close to the originally proposed PAR boundary, the DNA sequences changed at a steady rate. But further away from the boundary, the rate of change varied, suggesting that crossover events likely occurred in this region. Furthermore, the group identified several shared genetic differences between the X and the Y chromosomes of these genomes, which demonstrates that recombination has occurred even closer to the PAR boundary than scientists observed in 1989.

“Ironically, instead of contradicting the original boundary, the 2023 work has helped us refine the location of crossover to an even narrower area near the boundary,” says Page.

Thanks to the efforts of Page’s group at Whitehead Institute, our understanding of the PAR is clearer than ever, and business can go on as usual for researchers investigating sex differences in health and disease.

Bat cells possess a unique antiviral mechanism, preventing the SARS-CoV-2 virus from taking control

Bats have the amazing ability to coexist with viruses that are deadly to humans. New work from the Jaenisch Lab uncovers an antiviral mechanism that allows viruses to enter bat cells but prevents them from replicating.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
October 14, 2024

Viruses are masters of stealth. From the moment a virus enters the host’s body, it begins hijacking its cells. First, the virus binds to a specific protein on the cell’s surface through a lock-and-key mechanism. This protein, known as a receptor, facilitates the entry of the virus’s genetic material into the cell. Once inside, this genetic code takes over the cell’s machinery, directing it to produce copies of the virus and assemble new viral particles, which can go on to infect other cells. Upon detecting the invasion, the host’s immune system responds by attacking infected cells in hopes of curbing the virus’s spread.

But in bats, this process unfolds differently. Despite carrying several viruses — Marburg, Ebola, Nipah, among others — bats rarely get sick from these infections. It seems their immune systems are highly specialized, allowing them to live with viruses that would typically be deadly in humans, without any clinical symptoms.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lab of Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch has been investigating the molecular basis of bats’ extraordinary resilience to viruses like SARS-CoV-2. In their latest study, published in the journal PNAS on Oct. 14 , Jaenisch lab postdoc Punam Bisht and colleagues have uncovered an antiviral mechanism in bat cells that allows viruses to enter the cells but prevents them from replicating their genome and completing the hijacking process.

“These cells have elevated expressions of antiviral genes that act immediately, neutralizing the virus before it can spread,” says Jaenisch, a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “What’s particularly interesting is that many of these antiviral genes have counterparts, or orthologs in humans.”

Striking a delicate balance

The innate immune system is the body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders like the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This built-in security system is always on alert, responding swiftly — within minutes to hours — to perceived threats.

Upon detecting danger, immune cells rush to the site of infection, where they target the virus with little precision in attempts to slow it down and buy time for the more specialized adaptive immune system to take over. During this process, these cells release small signaling proteins called cytokines, which coordinate the immune response by recruiting additional immune cells and directing them to the battleground.

If the innate immune response alone isn’t sufficient to defeat the virus, it signals the adaptive immune system for support. The adaptive immune system tailors its attacks to the exact pathogen it is fighting and can even keep records of past infections to launch a faster, more aggressive attack the next time it encounters the same pathogen.

But in some infections, the innate immune response can quickly spiral out of control before the adaptive immune response is activated. This phenomenon, called a cytokine storm, is a life-threatening condition characterized by the overproduction of cytokines. These proteins continue to signal the innate immune system for backup even when it’s not necessary, leading to a flood of immune cells at the site of infection, where they inadvertently begin damaging organs and healthy tissues.

Bats, on the other hand, are uniquely equipped to manage viral infections without triggering an overwhelming immune response or allowing the virus to take control. To understand how their innate immune system achieves this delicate balance, Bisht and her colleagues turned their attention to bat cells.

In this study, researchers compared how the SARS-CoV-2 virus replicates in human and bat stem cells and fibroblasts — a type of cell involved in the formation of connective tissue. While fibroblasts are not immune cells, they can secrete cytokines and guide immune response, particularly to help with tissue repair.

After exposing these cells to the SARS-CoV-2 virus for 48 hours, the researchers used a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) tag to track the virus’s activity. GFP is a fluorescent protein whose genetic code can be added as a tag to a gene of interest. This causes the products of that gene to glow, providing researchers with a visual marker of where and when the gene is expressed.

They observed that over 80% of control cells — derived from the kidneys of African green monkeys and known to be highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 — showed evidence of the virus replicating. In contrast, they did not detect any viral activity in human and bat stem cells or fibroblasts.

In fact, even after introducing the human ACE2 receptor — which SARS-CoV-2 uses to bind and enter cells — into bat cells, the infected bat fibroblasts were able to replicate viral RNA and produce viral proteins, but at much lower levels compared to infected human fibroblasts.

These bat fibroblasts, however, could not assemble these viral proteins into fully infectious virus particles, suggesting an abortive infection, where the virus is able to initiate replication but fails to complete the process and produce progeny viruses.

Using electron microscopy to look inside bat and human cells, they began to understand why: in human cells, SARS-CoV-2 had created special structures called double-membrane vesicles (DMV). These vesicles acted like a bubble, shielding the viral genome from detection and providing it safe space to replicate more effectively. However, these “viral replication factories” were absent in bat fibroblasts.

When the researchers examined the gene expression profiles of these bat fibroblasts and compared them those of infected human cells, they found that although both human and bat cells have genes regulating the release of a type of cytokine called interferons, these genes are already turned on in bat fibroblasts — unlike in human cells — even before virus infection occurs.

These findings suggest that bat cells are in a constant state of vigilance. This allows their innate immune system to stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus in its tracks early on in the replication process before it can entirely hijack cellular machinery.

Surprisingly, this antiviral mechanism does not protect bat cells against all viruses. When the researchers infected bat fibroblasts with Zika virus, the virus was able to replicate and produce new viral particles.

“This means there are still many questions unanswered about how bat cells resist infection,” says Bisht. “COVID-19 continues to circulate, and the virus is evolving quickly. Filling in these gaps in our knowledge will help us develop better vaccines and antiviral strategies.”
The researchers are now focused on identifying the specific genes involved in this antiviral mechanism, and exploring how they interact with the virus during infection.

Cancer biologists discover a new mechanism for an old drug

Study reveals the drug, 5-fluorouracil, acts differently in different types of cancer — a finding that could help researchers design better drug combinations.

Anne Trafton | MIT News
October 7, 2024

Since the 1950s, a chemotherapy drug known as 5-fluorouracil has been used to treat many types of cancer, including blood cancers and cancers of the digestive tract.

Doctors have long believed that this drug works by damaging the building blocks of DNA. However, a new study from MIT has found that in cancers of the colon and other gastrointestinal cancers, it actually kills cells by interfering with RNA synthesis.

The findings could have a significant effect on how doctors treat many cancer patients. Usually, 5-fluorouracil is given in combination with chemotherapy drugs that damage DNA, but the new study found that for colon cancer, this combination does not achieve the synergistic effects that were hoped for. Instead, combining 5-FU with drugs that affect RNA synthesis could make it more effective in patients with GI cancers, the researchers say.

“Our work is the most definitive study to date showing that RNA incorporation of the drug, leading to an RNA damage response, is responsible for how the drug works in GI cancers,” says Michael Yaffe, a David H. Koch Professor of Science at MIT, the director of the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine, and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. “Textbooks implicate the DNA effects of the drug as the mechanism in all cancer types, but our data shows that RNA damage is what’s really important for the types of tumors, like GI cancers, where the drug is used clinically.”

Yaffe, the senior author of the new study, hopes to plan clinical trials of 5-fluorouracil with drugs that would enhance its RNA-damaging effects and kill cancer cells more effectively.

Jung-Kuei Chen, a Koch Institute research scientist, and Karl Merrick, a former MIT postdoc, are the lead authors of the paper, which appears today in Cell Reports Medicine.

An unexpected mechanism

Clinicians use 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as a first-line drug for colon, rectal, and pancreatic cancers. It’s usually given in combination with oxaliplatin or irinotecan, which damage DNA in cancer cells. The combination was thought to be effective because 5-FU can disrupt the synthesis of DNA nucleotides. Without those building blocks, cells with damaged DNA wouldn’t be able to efficiently repair the damage and would undergo cell death.

Yaffe’s lab, which studies cell signaling pathways, wanted to further explore the underlying mechanisms of how these drug combinations preferentially kill cancer cells.

The researchers began by testing 5-FU in combination with oxaliplatin or irinotecan in colon cancer cells grown in the lab. To their surprise, they found that not only were the drugs not synergistic, in many cases they were less effective at killing cancer cells than what one would expect by simply adding together the effects of 5-FU or the DNA-damaging drug given alone.

“One would have expected that these combinations to cause synergistic cancer cell death because you are targeting two different aspects of a shared process: breaking DNA, and making nucleotides,” Yaffe says. “Karl looked at a dozen colon cancer cell lines, and not only were the drugs not synergistic, in most cases they were antagonistic. One drug seemed to be undoing what the other drug was doing.”

Yaffe’s lab then teamed up with Adam Palmer, an assistant professor of pharmacology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, who specializes in analyzing data from clinical trials. Palmer’s research group examined data from colon cancer patients who had been on one or more of these drugs and showed that the drugs did not show synergistic effects on survival in most patients.

“This confirmed that when you give these combinations to people, it’s not generally true that the drugs are actually working together in a beneficial way within an individual patient,” Yaffe says. “Instead, it appears that one drug in the combination works well for some patients while another drug in the combination works well in other patients. We just cannot yet predict which drug by itself is best for which patient, so everyone gets the combination.”

These results led the researchers to wonder just how 5-FU was working, if not by disrupting DNA repair. Studies in yeast and mammalian cells had shown that the drug also gets incorporated into RNA nucleotides, but there has been dispute over how much this RNA damage contributes to the drug’s toxic effects on cancer cells.

Inside cells, 5-FU is broken down into two different metabolites. One of these gets incorporated into DNA nucleotides, and other into RNA nucleotides. In studies of colon cancer cells, the researchers found that the metabolite that interferes with RNA was much more effective at killing colon cancer cells than the one that disrupts DNA.

That RNA damage appears to primarily affect ribosomal RNA, a molecule that forms part of the ribosome — a cell organelle responsible for assembling new proteins. If cells can’t form new ribosomes, they can’t produce enough proteins to function. Additionally, the lack of undamaged ribosomal RNA causes cells to destroy a large set of proteins that normally bind up the RNA to make new functional ribosomes.

The researchers are now exploring how this ribosomal RNA damage leads cells to under programmed cell death, or apoptosis. They hypothesize that sensing of the damaged RNAs within cell structures called lysosomes somehow triggers an apoptotic signal.

“My lab is very interested in trying to understand the signaling events during disruption of ribosome biogenesis, particularly in GI cancers and even some ovarian cancers, that cause the cells to die. Somehow, they must be monitoring the quality control of new ribosome synthesis, which somehow is connected to the death pathway machinery,” Yaffe says.

New combinations

The findings suggest that drugs that stimulate ribosome production could work together with 5-FU to make a highly synergistic combination. In their study, the researchers showed that a molecule that inhibits KDM2A, a suppressor of ribosome production, helped to boost the rate of cell death in colon cancer cells treated with 5-FU.

The findings also suggest a possible explanation for why combining 5-FU with a DNA-damaging drug often makes both drugs less effective. Some DNA damaging drugs send a signal to the cell to stop making new ribosomes, which would negate 5-FU’s effect on RNA. A better approach may be to give each drug a few days apart, which would give patients the potential benefits of each drug, without having them cancel each other out.

“Importantly, our data doesn’t say that these combination therapies are wrong. We know they’re effective clinically. It just says that if you adjust how you give these drugs, you could potentially make those therapies even better, with relatively minor changes in the timing of when the drugs are given,” Yaffe says.

He is now hoping to work with collaborators at other institutions to run a phase 2 or 3 clinical trial in which patients receive the drugs on an altered schedule.

“A trial is clearly needed to look for efficacy, but it should be straightforward to initiate because these are already clinically accepted drugs that form the standard of care for GI cancers. All we’re doing is changing the timing with which we give them,” he says.

The researchers also hope that their work could lead to the identification of biomarkers that predict which patients’ tumors will be more susceptible to drug combinations that include 5-FU. One such biomarker could be RNA polymerase I, which is active when cells are producing a lot of ribosomal RNA.

The research was funded by the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fund, a Ludwig Center at MIT Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health, the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, the Holloway Foundation, and the STARR Cancer Consortium.

Brain cell types are affected differently by Rett Syndrome mutation

New research from Jaenisch Lab postdoc Danielle Tomasello focuses on an understudied question: how Rett Syndrome affects cell types in the human brain other than neurons.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
September 6, 2024

Rett Syndrome is a X-chromosome-linked neurodevelopmental disorder; it can lead to loss of coordination, mobility, ability to speak, and use of the hands, among other symptoms. The syndrome is typically caused by mutations within the gene MECP2. Researchers in Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch’s lab have studied Rett Syndrome for many years in order to understand the biological mechanisms that cause disease symptoms, and to identify possible avenues for treatments or a cure. Jaenisch and colleagues have gained many insights into the biology of Rett syndrome and developed tools that can rescue neurons from Rett syndrome symptoms in lab models.

However, much about the biology of Rett Syndrome remains unknown. New research from Jaenisch and postdoc in his lab Danielle Tomasello focuses on an understudied question: how Rett Syndrome affects cell types in the human brain other than neurons. Specifically, Tomasello investigated the effects of Rett Syndrome on astrocytes, a type of brain cell that supports and provides energy for neurons. The work, shared in the journal Scientific Reports on September 6, details changes that occur in Rett syndrome astrocytes, in particular in relation to their mitochondria, and shows how these changes directly impact neurons. The findings provide a new framework for thinking about Rett Syndrome and possible new avenues for therapies.

“By considering Rett Syndrome from a different perspective, this project expands our understanding of a multifaceted and thus far incurable disease,” says Jaenisch, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Energy metabolism in Rett Syndrome

Mitochondria are organelles that generate energy, which cells use to carry out their functions, and mitochondrial dysfunction was known to occur in Rett Syndrome. Jaenisch and Tomasello found that mitochondria in astrocytes are particularly affected, even more so than mitochondria in neurons. Tomasello grew human stem-cell-derived astrocytes in 2D cultures and also grew 3D organoids: mini brain-like tissues that contain multiple cell types growing in a structure that resembles actual brain anatomy. This approach allowed Tomasello to use human cells, rather than an animal model, and to study how cells behave within a brain-like environment.

When the researchers observed Rett astrocytes grown in these conditions, they found that the mitochondria were misshapen: short, small circles instead of large, long ovals. Additional studies showed evidence of the mitochondria experiencing stress and not being able to generate enough energy through their usual processes. The mitochondria did not have enough of the typical proteins they use to make energy, and so began to break down the cell’s supply of the building blocks of proteins, amino acids, for parts to make up for the missing material. Additionally, the researchers observed an increase in reactive oxygen species, byproducts of mitochondrial metabolism that are toxic to the cell.

Further experiments suggested that the cells try to compensate for this mitochondrial stress by increasing transcription of mitochondrial genes. For example, Tomasello found that regions of DNA called promoters that can increase expression of key mitochondrial genes were more open for the cell to use in Rett astrocytes. Altogether, these findings paint a picture of severe mitochondrial dysfunction in Rett astrocytes.

Although mitochondria in Rett neurons did not have such severe defects, astrocytes and neurons have a close relationship. Not only do neurons rely on astrocytes to supply them with energy, they even accept mitochondria from astrocytes to use for themselves. Jaenisch and Tomasello found that neurons take up dysfunctional mitochondria from Rett astrocytes at a higher rate than they take up mitochondria from unaffected astrocytes. This means that the effects of Rett syndrome on astrocytes have a direct effect on neurons: the dysfunctional mitochondria from the astrocytes end up in the neurons, where they cause damage. Tomasello took mitochondria from Rett astrocytes and placed them on both healthy and Rett neurons. In either case, the neurons took up the dysfunctional mitochondria in large numbers and then experienced significant problems. The neurons entered a hyperexcitable state that is ultimately toxic to the brain. The neurons also contained higher levels of reactive oxygen species, the toxic byproducts of mitochondrial metabolism, which can cause widespread damage. These effects occurred even in otherwise healthy neurons that did not themselves contain a Rett-causing MECP2 mutation.

“This shows that in order to understand Rett Syndrome, we need to look beyond what’s happening in neurons to other cell types,” Tomasello says.

Learning about the role that astrocytes play in Rett Syndrome could provide new avenues for therapies. The researchers found that supplying affected astrocytes with healthy mitochondria helped them to recover normal mitochondrial function. This suggests to Tomasello that one possibility for future Rett Syndrome therapies could be something that either targets mitochondria, or supplies additional mitochondria through the bloodstream.

Together, these insights and their possible medical implications demonstrate the importance of taking a broader look at the foundational biology underlying a disease.

Whitehead Institute researchers uncover a new clue toward understanding the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease

In Parkinson's disease, a mutation that causes protein misfolding can also turn the brain’s immune cells from friends to foes, possibly accelerating the progression of the disease. New Research from the Jaenisch Lab aims to uncover mechanisms that go awry in the brain, which may inform the development of new therapies that can halt or even reverse the progression of neurological conditions such as Parkinson's.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
August 29, 2024

Dopamine is more than the “rush molecule”. This chemical messenger, produced by neurons in the midbrain, acts as a traffic controller that regulates the flow of electrical signals between neurons, assisting with brain functions like cognition, attention, movement, and behavior. But, in instances of Parkinson’s disease (PD), a progressive brain disorder, dopamine-producing neurons begin to die at an unprecedented rate, leading to dwindling levels of this vital chemical and impaired neural communication.

The lab of Whitehead Institute’s Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch studies genetic and epigenetic factors — changes in gene expression that control which genes are turned on and off, and to what extent, without altering the DNA sequence itself — underlying neurological disorders like PD, Alzheimer’s disease, and Rett Syndrome. Their work aims to uncover the mechanisms that go awry in the brain, which may inform the development of new therapies that can halt or even reverse the progression of these conditions.

In their latest work, Jaenisch and former postdoctoral associate Marine Krzisch examine how a mutation in the gene that encodes for alpha-synuclein, a protein regulating the release of dopamine, affects the resident immune cells of the brain called microglia. The researchers’ detailed findings, published in the journal Biological Psychiatry on August 29, reveal that the mutation renders microglia extremely sensitive, worsening the problem of inflammation in the brain and potentially exacerbating damage to neurons in Parkinson’s disease.

“In fact, even when these mutant microglia are transplanted into a healthy, young brain, they have heightened activation upon stimulation, and low levels of the protective antioxidant catalase,” Krzisch says. “This tells us that in Familial Parkinson’s disease, which is due to genetic mutations, these microglia may be playing an important role in neuron degeneration.”

When nature’s origami falters

The human body is home to tens of thousands of unique proteins, each essential for processes sustaining life. These proteins are composed of linear chains of smaller building blocks called amino acids that are linked together in a specific sequence. For the proteins to perform their functions, the amino acid chains must crumple, rotate, and twist into stable three-dimensional structures. The stakes are high — just as precise folds and creases are crucial to the art of origami, even minor errors in the protein folding process can result in dysfunctional proteins that contribute to disease.

To date, scientists have identified over 20 causative genes in which mutations can result in Familial Parkinson’s disease, a rare, genetically inherited form of PD affecting individuals under or around the age of 50. Among them is SNCA, which encodes for alpha-synuclein, a small protein abundant in dopamine-producing neurons.

The A53T mutation in SNCA promotes the formation of dysfunctional alpha-synuclein proteins that clump together — almost like a ball of yarn — within dopamine-producing neurons. The accumulation of these protein clumps, also known as Lewy bodies, triggers inflammatory signaling in the brain, eventually killing the affected neurons. However, prior research has also shown that the A53T mutation accelerates the progression of PD, or the rate at which neurons die, although the full molecular mechanisms underlying this process are not yet fully understood.

To uncover pathways involved in this progression, researchers in the Jaenisch Lab turned their attention to star-shaped patrollers called microglia that protect the brain from foreign invaders and respond to injuries, including protein aggregates within neurons. This immune response includes activated microglia trying to clear out Lewy bodies by digesting them, recruiting additional immune cells to the site of neurons with protein aggregates, and even killing off diseased neurons to limit damage to the brain.

But these friends can quickly turn to foes. Over-activated microglia can also degrade healthy neurons in the brain, prompting Jaenisch, Krzisch, and colleagues to investigate if excessive microglia activation is one pathway that contributes to progression in PD.

Microglia go rogue

To explore how the A53T mutation in the SNCA gene affects microglia function in PD, scientists at the Jaenisch Lab began by growing human myeloid precursors — the cells that eventually develop into microglia — in lab culture and transplanting them into the brains of immune-deprived mice.

Given the complexity of the brain, it’s common for researchers to study brain cells in the Petri dish. “But in cell cultures, microglia do not have the same morphology [form] as in the brain, show signs of chronic activation, and they don’t survive for a very long time,” says Krzisch. “When we transplant them in mice, the precursors differentiate into microglia that look and function like those in the human brain, and survive for the mouse’s lifespan.”

Using this method, the researchers compared the gene expression profiles of A53T-mutant microglia with those that did not carry the mutation, revealing differences in pathways linked to inflammation, microglia activation, and DNA repair. Additionally, when A53T-mutant microglia were exposed to an immune activator called lipopolysaccharide, they exhibited a heightened inflammatory response compared to non-mutant microglia.

In fact, even in non-inflammatory conditions, A53T-mutant microglia had decreased expression of catalase, an enzyme that helps break down harmful reactive oxygen species produced in response to protein aggregates in PD.

Understanding the molecular basis of progression in PD is challenging, which explains why there are currently no drugs to alter the disease’s course. With these findings in hand, researchers at the Jaenisch Lab are now eager to explore how factors like aging also influence microglia function and contribute to an increased rate of progression in PD.

“Overactivation of microglia isn’t the only cause of neuron death in Parkinson’s,” says Jaenisch. “But if we can decrease their activation, it will help us get to the point where we can slow down or actually stop the disease.”


Pursuing the secrets of a stealthy parasite

By unraveling the genetic pathways that help Toxoplasma gondii persist in human cells, Sebastian Lourido hopes to find new ways to treat toxoplasmosis.

Anne Trafton | MIT News
August 25, 2024

Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, is believed to infect as much as one-third of the world’s population. Many of those people have no symptoms, but the parasite can remain dormant for years and later reawaken to cause disease in anyone who becomes immunocompromised.

Why this single-celled parasite is so widespread, and what triggers it to reemerge, are questions that intrigue Sebastian Lourido, an associate professor of biology at MIT and member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. In his lab, research is unraveling the genetic pathways that help to keep the parasite in a dormant state, and the factors that lead it to burst free from that state.

“One of the missions of my lab to improve our ability to manipulate the parasite genome, and to do that at a scale that allows us to ask questions about the functions of many genes, or even the entire genome, in a variety of contexts,” Lourido says.

There are drugs that can treat the acute symptoms of Toxoplasma infection, which include headache, fever, and inflammation of the heart and lungs. However, once the parasite enters the dormant stage, those drugs don’t affect it. Lourido hopes that his lab’s work will lead to potential new treatments for this stage, as well as drugs that could combat similar parasites such as a tickborne parasite known as Babesia, which is becoming more common in New England.

“There are a lot of people who are affected by these parasites, and parasitology often doesn’t get the attention that it deserves at the highest levels of research. It’s really important to bring the latest scientific advances, the latest tools, and the latest concepts to the field of parasitology,” Lourido says.

A fascination with microbiology

As a child in Cali, Colombia, Lourido was enthralled by what he could see through the microscopes at his mother’s medical genetics lab at the University of Valle del Cauca. His father ran the family’s farm and also worked in government, at one point serving as interim governor of the state.

“From my mom, I was exposed to the ideas of gene expression and the influence of genetics on biology, and I think that really sparked an early interest in understanding biology at a fundamental level,” Lourido says. “On the other hand, my dad was in agriculture, and so there were other influences there around how the environment shapes biology.”

Lourido decided to go to college in the United States, in part because at the time, in the early 2000s, Colombia was experiencing a surge in violence. He was also drawn to the idea of attending a liberal arts college, where he could study both science and art. He ended up going to Tulane University, where he double-majored in fine arts and cell and molecular biology.

As an artist, Lourido focused on printmaking and painting. One area he especially enjoyed was stone lithography, which involves etching images on large blocks of limestone with oil-based inks, treating the images with chemicals, and then transferring the images onto paper using a large press.

“I ended up doing a lot of printmaking, which I think attracted me because it felt like a mode of expression that leveraged different techniques and technical elements,” he says.

At the same time, he worked in a biology lab that studied Daphnia, tiny crustaceans found in fresh water that have helped scientists learn about how organisms can develop new traits in response to changes to their environment. As an undergraduate, he helped develop ways to use viruses to introduce new genes into Daphnia. By the time he graduated from Tulane, Lourido had decided to go into science rather than art.

“I had really fallen in love with lab science as an undergrad. I loved the freedom and the creativity that came from it, the ability to work in teams and to build on ideas, to not have to completely reinvent the entire system, but really be able to develop it over a longer period of time,” he says.

After graduating from college, Lourido spent two years in Germany, working at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology. In Arturo Zychlinksy’s lab, Lourido studied two bacteria known as Shigella and Salmonella, which can cause severe illnesses, including diarrhea. His studies there helped to reveal how these bacteria get into cells and how they modify the host cells’ own pathways to help them replicate inside cells.

As a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, Lourido worked in several labs focusing on different aspects of microbiology, including virology and bacteriology, but eventually ended up working with David Sibley, a prominent researcher specializing in Toxoplasma.

“I had not thought much about Toxoplasma before going to graduate school,” Lourido recalls. “I was pretty unaware of parasitology in general, despite some undergrad courses, which honestly very superficially treated the subject. What I liked about it was here was a system where we knew so little — organisms that are so different from the textbook models of eukaryotic cells.”

Toxoplasma gondii belongs to a group of parasites known as apicomplexans — a type of protozoans that can cause a variety of diseases. After infecting a human host, Toxoplasma gondii can hide from the immune system for decades, usually in cysts found in the brain or muscles. Lourido found the organism especially intriguing because as a 17-year-old, he had been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. His only symptom was swollen glands, but doctors found that his blood contained antibodies against Toxoplasma.

“It is really fascinating that in all of these people, about a quarter to a third of the world’s population, the parasite persists. Chances are I still have live parasites somewhere in my body, and if I became immunocompromised, it would become a big problem. They would start replicating in an uncontrolled fashion,” he says.

A transformative approach

One of the challenges in studying Toxoplasma is that the organism’s genetics are very different from those of either bacteria or other eukaryotes such as yeast and mammals. That makes it harder to study parasitic gene functions by mutating or knocking out the genes.

Because of that difficulty, it took Lourido his entire graduate career to study the functions of just a couple of Toxoplasma genes. After finishing his PhD, he started his own lab as a fellow at the Whitehead Institute and began working on ways to study the Toxoplasma genome at a larger scale, using the CRISPR genome-editing technique.

With CRISPR, scientists can systematically knock out every gene in the genome and then study how each missing gene affects parasite function and survival.

“Through the adaptation of CRISPR to Toxoplasma, we’ve been able to survey the entire parasite genome. That has been transformative,” says Lourido, who became a Whitehead member and MIT faculty member in 2017. “Since its original application in 2016, we’ve been able to uncover mechanisms of drug resistance and susceptibility, trace metabolic pathways, and explore many other aspects of parasite biology.”

Using CRISPR-based screens, Lourido’s lab has identified a regulatory gene called BFD1 that appears to drive the expression of genes that the parasite needs for long-term survival within a host. His lab has also revealed many of the molecular steps required for the parasite to shift between active and dormant states.

“We’re actively working to understand how environmental inputs end up guiding the parasite in one direction or another,” Lourido says. “They seem to preferentially go into those chronic stages in certain cells like neurons or muscle cells, and they proliferate more exuberantly in the acute phase when nutrient conditions are appropriate or when there are low levels of immunity in the host.”

Study reveals the benefits and downside of fasting

Fasting helps intestinal stem cells regenerate and heal injuries but also leads to a higher risk of cancer in mice, MIT researchers report.

Anne Trafton | MIT News
August 21, 2024

Low-calorie diets and intermittent fasting have been shown to have numerous health benefits: They can delay the onset of some age-related diseases and lengthen lifespan, not only in humans but many other organisms.

Many complex mechanisms underlie this phenomenon. Previous work from MIT has shown that one way fasting exerts its beneficial effects is by boosting the regenerative abilities of intestinal stem cells, which helps the intestine recover from injuries or inflammation.

In a study of mice, MIT researchers have now identified the pathway that enables this enhanced regeneration, which is activated once the mice begin “refeeding” after the fast. They also found a downside to this regeneration: When cancerous mutations occurred during the regenerative period, the mice were more likely to develop early-stage intestinal tumors.

“Having more stem cell activity is good for regeneration, but too much of a good thing over time can have less favorable consequences,” says Omer Yilmaz, an MIT associate professor of biology, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and the senior author of the new study.

Yilmaz adds that further studies are needed before forming any conclusion as to whether fasting has a similar effect in humans.

“We still have a lot to learn, but it is interesting that being in either the state of fasting or refeeding when exposure to mutagen occurs can have a profound impact on the likelihood of developing a cancer in these well-defined mouse models,” he says.

MIT postdocs Shinya Imada and Saleh Khawaled are the lead authors of the paper, which appears today in Nature.

Driving regeneration

For several years, Yilmaz’s lab has been investigating how fasting and low-calorie diets affect intestinal health. In a 2018 study, his team reported that during a fast, intestinal stem cells begin to use lipids as an energy source, instead of carbohydrates. They also showed that fasting led to a significant boost in stem cells’ regenerative ability.

However, unanswered questions remained: How does fasting trigger this boost in regenerative ability, and when does the regeneration begin?

“Since that paper, we’ve really been focused on understanding what is it about fasting that drives regeneration,” Yilmaz says. “Is it fasting itself that’s driving regeneration, or eating after the fast?”

In their new study, the researchers found that stem cell regeneration is suppressed during fasting but then surges during the refeeding period. The researchers followed three groups of mice — one that fasted for 24 hours, another one that fasted for 24 hours and then was allowed to eat whatever they wanted during a 24-hour refeeding period, and a control group that ate whatever they wanted throughout the experiment.

The researchers analyzed intestinal stem cells’ ability to proliferate at different time points and found that the stem cells showed the highest levels of proliferation at the end of the 24-hour refeeding period. These cells were also more proliferative than intestinal stem cells from mice that had not fasted at all.

“We think that fasting and refeeding represent two distinct states,” Imada says. “In the fasted state, the ability of cells to use lipids and fatty acids as an energy source enables them to survive when nutrients are low. And then it’s the postfast refeeding state that really drives the regeneration. When nutrients become available, these stem cells and progenitor cells activate programs that enable them to build cellular mass and repopulate the intestinal lining.”

Further studies revealed that these cells activate a cellular signaling pathway known as mTOR, which is involved in cell growth and metabolism. One of mTOR’s roles is to regulate the translation of messenger RNA into protein, so when it’s activated, cells produce more protein. This protein synthesis is essential for stem cells to proliferate.

The researchers showed that mTOR activation in these stem cells also led to production of large quantities of polyamines — small molecules that help cells to grow and divide.

“In the refed state, you’ve got more proliferation, and you need to build cellular mass. That requires more protein, to build new cells, and those stem cells go on to build more differentiated cells or specialized intestinal cell types that line the intestine,” Khawaled says.

Too much of a good thing

The researchers also found that when stem cells are in this highly regenerative state, they are more prone to become cancerous. Intestinal stem cells are among the most actively dividing cells in the body, as they help the lining of the intestine completely turn over every five to 10 days. Because they divide so frequently, these stem cells are the most common source of precancerous cells in the intestine.

In this study, the researchers discovered that if they turned on a cancer-causing gene in the mice during the refeeding stage, they were much more likely to develop precancerous polyps than if the gene was turned on during the fasting state. Cancer-linked mutations that occurred during the refeeding state were also much more likely to produce polyps than mutations that occurred in mice that did not undergo the cycle of fasting and refeeding.

“I want to emphasize that this was all done in mice, using very well-defined cancer mutations. In humans it’s going to be a much more complex state,” Yilmaz says. “But it does lead us to the following notion: Fasting is very healthy, but if you’re unlucky and you’re refeeding after a fasting, and you get exposed to a mutagen, like a charred steak or something, you might actually be increasing your chances of developing a lesion that can go on to give rise to cancer.”

Yilmaz also noted that the regenerative benefits of fasting could be significant for people who undergo radiation treatment, which can damage the intestinal lining, or other types of intestinal injury. His lab is now studying whether polyamine supplements could help to stimulate this kind of regeneration, without the need to fast.

“This fascinating study provides insights into the complex interplay between food consumption, stem cell biology, and cancer risk,” says Ophir Klein, a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who was not involved in the study. “Their work lays a foundation for testing polyamines as compounds that may augment intestinal repair after injuries, and it suggests that careful consideration is needed when planning diet-based strategies for regeneration to avoid increasing cancer risk.”

The research was funded, in part, by a Pew-Stewart Trust Scholar award, the Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine, the Koch Institute-Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Bridge Project, and the MIT Stem Cell Initiative.

New approach enables a closer look at brain cell organelle

Microglia are involved in brain development, as well as neurodegeneration and brain cancer. A new approach from the Jaenisch Lab allows researchers to isolate and analyze microglia phagosomes.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
August 14, 2024

Microglia are the immune system’s front-line enforcers in the brain. They are cells that patrol the brain and destroy anything harmful that they encounter, from invading bacteria to cellular debris. They also remove plaques and prune dysfunctional synapses between neurons. Microglia eliminate their targets by eating them: they envelope material and seal it in bubble-like organelles called phagosomes. A phagosome can then fuse with other organelles that break down its contents.

Microglial phagosomes play important roles in brain development, brain function and a plethora of brain diseases, including neurodegeneration and brain cancer. Therefore, understanding microglial phagosome biology could help to develop new therapies for currently untreatable brain diseases. However, microglia and their organelles have been difficult to study because existing stem cell and animal models insufficiently resemble microglia in the human brain, and because microglia, as vigilant immune patrollers, react to even subtle stimuli and so experimental conditions can trigger changes in the cells that confound analyses.

To overcome those issues, Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch, also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Freiburg Professor of Neuropathology Marco Prinz; and University of Freiburg neuropathologist Emile Wogram, who began this project as a postdoctoral researcher in Jaenisch’s lab, have developed a method to isolate and analyze microglia phagosomes in a rapid, gentle, and unbiased fashion.

In research shared in the journal Immunity on August 15, the researchers describe how they can isolate and profile phagosomes from stem cell-derived microglia and fresh human brain tissue. They also share new insights into phagosome biology in the human brain, regarding synaptic pruning and generation of NAD+, a broadly used molecule in the brain, by microglia.

The method that the researchers developed to isolate phagosomes from cells uses immunoprecipitation, in which antibodies latch on to a specific target protein on an organelle’s surface. When the antibodies are collected, they pull the organelles with them. This technique avoids many chemical perturbations that might alter the microglial profile. Sometimes researchers genetically engineer a target for the antibodies, but in order to isolate phagosomes from human brain tissue, Wogram had to find a naturally expressed target. Eventually, he and colleagues found one: the protein CD68.

The researchers first isolated phagosomes from stem cell-derived microglia. They co-cultured the microglia with other brain cell types to create a more brain-like environment, which led to a better match between brain and stem cell-derived microglia gene expression. They triggered some of the microglia to enter an inflammatory or disease-like state to see how that affected the phagosomes. Additionally, Wogram collaborated with the neurosurgery department at the University of Freiburg to get access to brain tissues immediately after their removal during surgery. He isolated phagosomes from brain tissue within a half hour of its removal, allowing him to profile the organelles before their contents could change much.

The profiles that the researchers built included what proteins and metabolites the phagosomes contained, and the whole-cell gene expression profile. The profiles differed significantly between sets of phagosomes, but the researchers identified a core of consistent proteins, including many known and also some unknown phagosome proteins. The results showed that phagosomes contain sensitive signaling molecules that allow them to react quickly to even subtle environmental stimuli.

Additionally, the protein contents of the co-cultured microglia provided strong evidence that when microglia prune synapses, they predominantly prune the side that sends a signal and not the side that receives one. This insight could be useful for understanding how microglia interact with synapses in health and disease.

The researchers also gained insights into a key metabolic pathway that occurs inside of microglia. In excess, the molecule quinolinic acid can be toxic to neurons; it is implicated as involved in many neurodegenerative diseases. However, cells can use quinolinic acid to make NAD+, a molecule broadly used to carry out essential cellular functions. Microglia are the only brain cells that generate NAD+. Wogram and colleagues found that key steps in this process occur in phagosomes. Phagosomes are therefore necessary both for removing excess quinolinic acid to prevent toxicity and for helping to generate NAD+ in the brain.

Finally, Wogram used brain tissues to compare phagosomes from within a tumor to those in the surrounding healthy tissue. The phagosomes in the tumor contained excess quinolinic acid. Although follow-up studies would be needed to confirm the results, these findings are consistent with research that suggests cancer cells use quinolinic acid to fuel their growth.

Collectively, these findings illuminate aspects of phagosome biology and the roles that phagosomes may play in normal brain development and maintenance, as well as in cancer and neurodegeneration. The researchers also anticipate that their method could prove useful for profiling other organelles, especially when the organelles need to be rapidly isolated from human tissue.

In immune cells, X marks the spot(s)

By researching the effects of sex chromosomes on two types of immune cells, researchers in the Page Lab explore the biological underpinnings of sex biases in immunity and autoimmune disease

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
August 6, 2024

There are many known sex differences in health and disease: cases in which either men or women are more likely to get a disease, experience a symptom, or have a certain drug side effect. Some of these sex differences are caused by social and environmental factors: for example, when men smoked more than women, men were more likely to develop lung cancer. However, some have biological underpinnings. For example, men are more likely to be red-green colorblind because the relevant gene is on the X chromosome, of which men with XY chromosomes have no backup copy for a dysfunctional version.

Often, the specific factors contributing to a sex difference are hard to tease apart; there may not be a simple way to tell what is caused by sex chromosomes versus sex hormones versus environment. To address this question, researchers in Whitehead Institute Member David Page’s lab previously developed an approach to identify the contributions of the sex chromosomes to sex differences. Now, Page and former postdoc in his lab Laura Blanton have built on that work by measuring the effects of the sex chromosomes on two types of immune cells. The work, published in the journal Cell Genomics on August 6, shows that sex chromosome gene expression is consistent across cell types, but that its effects are cell type specific.

Sex differences are common in the function and dysfunction of our immune system. Examples include the typically weaker male immune response to pathogens and vaccines, and the female-biased frequency of autoimmune diseases. Page and Blanton’s work in immune cells examines several genes that have been implicated in such sex differences.

Developing a method to measure sex chromosome influence

The approach that the researchers used is based on several facts about sex chromosomes. Firstly, although females typically have two X chromosomes and males typically have one X and one Y, there are people with rare combinations of sex chromosomes, who have anywhere from 1-5 X chromosomes and 0-4 Y chromosomes. Secondly, there are two types of X chromosome: The active X chromosome (Xa) and the inactive X chromosome (Xi). They are genetically identical, but many of the genes on Xi are either switched off or have their expression level dialed way down.

Xa does not really function as a sex chromosome since everyone in the world has exactly one Xa regardless of their sex. In people with more than one X chromosome, any additional X chromosomes are always Xi. Furthermore, Page and Blanton’s research demonstrates that Xa responds to gene expression by Xi and Y—the sex chromosomes—in the same manner as do the other 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes—the autosomes.

With these facts in mind, the researchers collected cells from donors with different combinations of sex chromosomes. Then they measured the expression of every gene in these cells, across the donor population, and observed how the expression of each gene changed with the addition of each Xi or Y chromosome.

This approach was first shared in a Cell Genomics paper by Page and former postdoc Adrianna San Roman in 2023. They had cultured two types of cells, fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines, from donor tissue samples. They found that the effects of Xi and Y were modular—each additional chromosome changed gene expression by about the same amount. This approach allowed the researchers to identify which genes are sensitive to regulation by the sex chromosomes, and to measure the strength of the effect for each responsive gene.

In that and a following paper, Page and San Roman looked at how Xi and Y affect gene expression from Xa and the autosomes. Blanton expanded the study of Xi and Y by using the same approach in two types of immune cells, monocytes and CD4+ T cells, taken directly from donors’ blood. Studying cells taken directly from the body, rather than cells cultured in the lab, enabled the researchers to confirm that their observations applied in both conditions.

In all three papers, the researchers found that the sex chromosomes have significant effects on the expression levels of many genes that are active throughout the body. They also identified a particular pair of genes as driving much of this effect in all four cell types. The genes, ZFX and ZFY, found on the X and Y chromosomes respectively, are transcription factors that can dial up the expression of other genes. The pair originates from the same ancestral gene, and although they have grown slightly apart since the X and Y chromosomes diverged, they still perform the same gene regulatory function. The researchers found that they tended to affect expression of the same gene targets by similar though not identical amounts.

In other words, the presence of either sex chromosome causes roughly the same effect on expression of autosomal and Xa genes. This similarity makes sense: carefully calibrated gene regulation is necessary in every body, and so each sex chromosome must maintain that function. It does, however, make it harder to spot the cases in which sex chromosomes contribute to sex differences in health and disease.

“Sex differences in health and disease could stem from the rare instances in which one gene responds very differently to Xi versus Y—we found cases where that occurs,” Blanton says. “They could also stem from subtle differences in the gene expression changes caused by Xi and Y that build up into larger effects downstream.”

Blanton then combined her and San Roman’s data in order to look at how the effects of sex chromosome dosage—how many Xs or Ys are in a cell—compared across all four cell types.

The effects of sex chromosomes on immune cells

 Blanton found that gene expression from the sex chromosomes was consistent across all four cell types. The exceptions to this rule were always X chromosome genes that are only expressed on Xa, and so could be regulated by Xi and Y in the way that autosomal genes are. This contrasts with speculation that different genes on Xi might be silenced in different cells.

However, each cell type had a distinct response to this identical sex chromosome gene expression. Different biological pathways were affected, or the same biological pathway could be affected in the opposite direction. Key immune cell processes affected by sex chromosome dosage in either monocytes or T cells included production of immune system proteins, signaling, and inflammatory response.

The cell type specific responses were due to different genes responding to the sex chromosomes in each cell type. The researchers do not yet know the mechanism causing the same gene to respond to sex chromosome dosage in one cell type but not another. One possibility is that access to the genes is blocked in some of the cell types. Regions of DNA can become tightly packed so that a gene, or a DNA region that regulates the gene, becomes inaccessible to transcription factors such as ZFX and ZFY, and so they cannot affect the gene’s expression. Another possibility is that the genes might require specific partner molecules in order for their expression level to increase, and that these partners may be present in one cell type but not the other.

Blanton also measured how X chromosome dosage affected T cells in their inactive state, when there is no perceived immune threat, versus their activated state, when they begin to produce an immune response and replicate themselves. Increases in X chromosome dosage led to heightened activation, with increased expression of genes related to proliferation. This finding highlights the importance of looking at how sex chromosomes affect not just different cell types, but cells in different states or scenarios.

“As we learn what pathways the sex chromosomes influence in each cell type, we can begin to make sense of the contributions of the sex chromosomes to each cell type’s functions and its roles in disease,” Blanton says.

Although Page and Blanton found that the presence of an Xi or Y chromosome had very similar effects on most genes, the researchers did identify one interesting case in which response to X and Y differed. FCG2RB is a gene involved in immunity that has been implicated in and thought to contribute to the female bias in developing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Blanton found that unlike most genes, FCGR2B is sensitive to X and not Y chromosome dosage. This strengthens the case that higher expression of FCGR2B could be driving the SLE female bias.

FCGR2B provides a promising opportunity to study the contributions of the sex chromosomes to a sex bias in disease, and to learn more about the biology of a chronic disease that affects many people around the world,” Page says.

In other cases, the researchers found that genes which have been suspected to contribute to female bias in disease did not have a strong response to X chromosome dosage. For example, TLR7 is thought to contribute to female bias in developing autoimmunity, and CD40LG is thought to contribute to female bias in developing lupus. Neither of the genes showed increased expression as X chromosome dosage increased. This suggests that other mechanisms may be driving the sex bias in these cases.

Because of the limited pool of donors, the researchers were not able to identify every gene that responds to sex chromosome dosage, and future research may uncover more sex-chromosome-sensitive genes of interest. Meanwhile, the Page lab continues to investigate the sex chromosomes’ shared role as regulators of gene expression throughout the body.

“We’ve got to recalibrate our thinking from the view that X and Y are mainly involved in differentiating males and females, to understanding that they also have largely shared functions that are important throughout the body,” Page says. “At the same time, I think that uncovering the biology of Xi is going to be incredibly important for understanding women’s health and sex differences in health and disease.”

News Brief: Lamason Lab uncovers seven novel effectors in Rickettsia parkeri infection

The enemy within: new research reveals insights into the arsenal Rickettsia parkeri uses against its host

Lillian Eden | Department of Biology
July 29, 2024

Identifying secreted proteins is critical to understanding how obligately intracellular pathogens hijack host machinery during infection, but identifying them is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

For then-graduate student Allen Sanderlin, PhD ’24, the first indication that a risky, unlikely project might work was cyan, tic tac-shaped structures seen through a microscope — proof that his bacterial pathogen of interest was labeling its own proteins.  

Sanderlin, a member of the Lamason Lab in the Department of Biology at MIT, studies Rickettsia parkeri, a less virulent relative of the bacterial pathogen that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a sometimes severe tickborne illness. No vaccine exists and definitive tests to diagnose an infection by Rickettsia are limited.

Rickettsia species are tricky to work with because they are obligately intracellular pathogens whose entire life cycles occur exclusively inside cells. Many approaches that have advanced our understanding of other bacterial infections and how those pathogens interact with their host aren’t applicable to Rickettsia because they can’t be grown on a plate in a lab setting. 

In a paper recently published in Nature Communications, the Lamason Lab outlines an approach for labeling and isolating R. parkeri proteins released during infection. This research reveals seven previously unknown secreted factors, known as effectors, more than doubling the number of known effectors in R. parkeri. 

Better-studied bacteria are known to hijack the host’s machinery via dozens or hundreds of secreted effectors, whose roles include manipulating the host cell to make it more susceptible to infection. However, finding those effectors in the soup of all other materials within the host cell is akin to looking for a needle in a haystack, with an added twist that researchers aren’t even sure what those needles look like for Rickettsia.  

Approaches that worked to identify the six previously known secreted effectors are limited in their scope. For example, some were found by comparing pathogenic Rickettsia to nonpathogenic strains of the bacteria, or by searching for proteins with domains that overlap with effectors from better-studied bacteria. Predictive modeling, however, relies on proteins being evolutionarily conserved. 

“Time and time again, we keep finding that Rickettsia are just weird — or, at least, weird compared to our understanding of other bacteria,” says Sanderlin, the paper’s first author. “This labeling tool allows us to answer some really exciting questions about rickettsial biology that weren’t possible before.”

The cyan tic tacs

To selectively label R. parkeri proteins, Sanderlin used a method called cell-selective bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging. BONCAT was first described in research from the Tirrell Lab at Caltech. The Lamason Lab, however, is the first group to use the tool successfully in an obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen; the thrilling moment when Sanderlin saw cyan tic-tac shapes indicated successfully labeling only the pathogen, not the host. 

Sanderlin next used an approach called selective lysis, carefully breaking open the host cell while leaving the pathogen, filled with labeled proteins, intact. This allowed him to extract proteins that R. parkeri had released into its host because the only labeled proteins amid other host cell material were effectors the pathogen had secreted. 

Sanderlin had successfully isolated and identified seven needles in the haystack, effectors never before identified in Rickettsia biology. The novel secreted rickettsial factors are dubbed SrfA, SrfB, SrfC, SrfD, SrfE, SrfF, and SrfG. 

“Every grad student wants to be able to name something,” Sanderlin says. “The most exciting — but frustrating — thing was that these proteins don’t look like anything we’ve seen before.”

Special delivery

Theoretically, Sanderlin says, once the effectors are secreted, they work independently from the bacteria — a driver delivering a pizza does not need to check back in with the store at every merge or turn.

Since SrfA-G didn’t resemble other known effectors or host proteins the pathogen could be mimicking during infection, Sanderlin then tried to answer some basic questions about their behavior. Where the effectors localize, meaning where in the cell they go, could hint at their purpose and what further experiments could be used to investigate it. 

To determine where the effectors were going, Sanderlin added the effectors he’d found to uninfected cells by introducing DNA that caused human cell lines to express those proteins. The experiment succeeded: he discovered that different Srfs went to different places throughout the host cells.  

SrfF and SrfG are found throughout the cytoplasm, whereas SrfB localizes to the mitochondria. That was especially intriguing because its structure is not predicted to interact with or find its way to the mitochondria, and the organelle appears unchanged despite the presence of the effector. 

Further, SrfC and SrfD found their way to the endoplasmic reticulum. The ER would be especially useful for a pathogen to appropriate, given that it is a dynamic organelle present throughout the cell and has many essential roles, including synthesizing proteins and metabolizing lipids. 

Aside from where effectors localize, knowing what they may interact with is critical. Sanderlin showed that SrfD interacts with Sec61, a protein complex that delivers proteins across the ER membrane. In keeping with the theme of the novelty of Sanderlin’s findings, SrfD does not resemble any proteins known to interact with the ER or Sec61. 

With this tool, Sanderlin identified novel proteins whose binding partners and role during infection can now be studied further. 

“These results are exciting but tantalizing,” Sanderlin says. “What Rickettsia secrete — the effectors, what they are, and what they do is, by and large, still a black box.” 

There are very likely other effectors in the proverbial cellular haystack. Sanderlin found that SrfA-G are not found in every species of Rickettsia, and his experiments were solely conducted with Rickettsia at late stages of infection — earlier windows of time may make use of different effectors. This research was also carried out in human cell lines, so there may be an entirely separate repertoire of effectors in ticks, which are responsible for spreading the pathogen.

Expanding Tool Development

Becky Lamason, the senior author of the Nature Communications paper, noted that this tool is one of a few avenues the lab is exploring to investigate R. parkeri, including a paper in the Journal of Bacteriology on conditional genetic manipulation. Characterizing how the pathogen behaves with or without a particular effector is leaps and bounds ahead of where the field was just a few years ago when Sanderlin was Lamason’s first graduate student to join the lab.

“What I always hoped for in the lab is to push the technology, but also get to the biology. These are two of what will hopefully be a suite of ways to attack this problem of understanding how these bacteria rewire and manipulate the host cell,” Lamason says. “We’re excited, but we’ve only scratched the surface.”