A day in the life — graduate student and genomics researcher Neha Bokil

Neha Bokil is studying mechanisms that regulate expression of genes located on the X and Y chromosomes in order to better understand sex-biased conditions that predominantly affect one sex.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
June 25, 2024

Graduate student Neha Bokil moves around the Page lab with urgency. Today, she’s running an experiment using white blood cells from patients with varying numbers of X and Y chromosomes.

The lab of Whitehead Institute Member David Page investigates the role of the X and Y chromosomes beyond determining sex. While most females have two X chromosomes (XX) and most males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), there are individuals whose sex chromosome constitution varies from this, having instead, for example, XXY, XXX, or XXXXY. With the goal of understanding why certain conditions are more prevalent in one sex versus than the other, Bokil is using this experiment to explore if and how cellular processes, such as gene regulation, vary among individuals with these atypical combinations of sex chromosomes.

Partially hidden in the cell culture hood, Bokil finally locates what she’s been searching for: a pipette for dispensing 99 microliters of the cell suspension she’s meticulously prepared this afternoon, a type of culture where cells float in nutrient-rich liquid, free to function and grow.

Bokil carefully extracts this volume and transfers it to a flat plate — also called a 96-well plate — with tiny holes for growing small cell samples. Now, it’s a waiting game until she can find out how these cells are growing, and whether their proliferation rate depends on the number of sex chromosomes in a cell.

Bokil dives into the intricacies of human genetics every day, hoping her work will eventually help reshape how sex differences are understood in medicine and improve treatment outcomes. The dynamic research Bokil is conducting at Whitehead Institute is her calling, but she has other passions as well. Here’s what a typical day in her life as a graduate student looks like, both in and outside the lab.

An inherited love of numbers

When she isn’t rushing out the door, Bokil loves brewing and savoring the perfect cup of morning chai, a traditional South Asian loose-leaf tea with milk. Every family has their own recipe, and Bokil makes hers with ginger, a touch of cardamom, and some sugar.

“Chai is comforting at any time, but I’ve noticed my mood vastly improves when I’m able to have a cup in the morning,” she says.

On her walk to the Whitehead Institute, she often listens to Bollywood songs. But these predilections — chai and Indian cinema — are more than just rituals for her. They symbolize tradition and cherished connections with family and friends.

In fact, family bonds have greatly influenced Bokil’s career path. As a child, she loved mathematics. It wasn’t a trait passed on genetically, but one that flourished through moments of connection with her grandmother, a math teacher in India. During summer visits to Bokil’s family in the U.S., she’d enthusiastically impart her passion for numbers onto her granddaughter. By the time Bokil went to high school and later college, she had become fluent in the language of logic and patterns.

“My time with her made me realize just how beautiful and fun math is, and I could see its practical applications in everyday life, all around me,” Bokil says.

For her PhD, she sought to combine her undergraduate training in mathematics and molecular biology to tackle a real-world problem. With genetics at the crossroads of these disciplines, and the Page Lab leading the way in transforming scientific understanding of X and Y chromosomes beyond reproduction, Bokil knew she had to get involved.

This morning, as she sits at her desk, poring over a research paper before an afternoon lab meeting, she ponders how insights from the study could enhance her manuscript writing process. Bokil’s graduate project uses a collection of cell lines derived from patients with atypical numbers of X and Y chromosomes to investigate mechanisms that regulate — or dial up and down the expression of — genes located on one of the X chromosomes in females called the “inactive” X chromosome.

Although the X and Y sex chromosomes in mammals began as a pair with similar structures, over time, the Y chromosome underwent degeneration, leading to the loss of numerous active genes. In contrast, the X chromosome preserved its original genes and even gained new ones. To maintain balance in gene expression across the two sexes — XX and XY — an evolutionary mechanism called X chromosome inactivation emerged.

This process is known to randomly silence one X chromosome in each XX pair, ensuring that both sexes have an equal dosage of genes from the X chromosome. However, in recent years, the Page lab has discovered that there are powerful distinctions within females’ pair of X chromosomes, and the so-called “inactive” X chromosome is far from passive. Instead, it plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression on the active X chromosome.

“That’s not all,” adds Bokil. “There are still genes expressed from that “inactive” X chromosome. Cracking how these genes are regulated could answer longstanding questions about sex differences in health.”

Bokil is unraveling this genetic mystery with the help of chemical tags called histone marks. These tags cling to a family of proteins that function like spools, allowing long strands of DNA to coil around them — like thread around a bobbin — so genetic information remains neatly packaged within the cell’s nucleus.

This complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins is called chromatin, the genetic material that eventually forms chromosomes. Chromatin also lays the groundwork for gene regulation by keeping some genes tightly wound around the histones, rendering them inaccessible, and unwinding others for active use.

Certain histone marks are associated with open chromatin structure and active gene expression, while others indicate closed chromatin structure and gene silencing. By examining the specific histone marks on proteins near genes on the “inactive” X chromosome, Bokil aims to decipher if and how these genes are turned on and off.

She’s particularly interested in a group of genes that have counterparts on the Y chromosome. These genes, known as homologous X-Y gene pairs, are typically dosage-sensitive and play a crucial role in regulating essential processes throughout the body like the transcription of DNA into RNA and the translation of RNA into proteins.

Celebrating small triumphs

Graduate school can feel like a marathon — progress is slow but every small step counts towards a breakthrough. For Bokil, stumbling upon a captivating scientific puzzle has been a stroke of luck she deeply appreciates. In fact, the mystery of how genes are controlled on the “inactive” X chromosome has not only shaped her scientific pursuits but also her artwork — on one quiet evening at home, she found herself inspired to capture an experiment, called CUT&RUN, in her painting.

During the early days of her PhD, Bokil spent hundreds of hours using this technique to identify the precise locations of histone protein and DNA interactions. Right as she was prepared to expand these experiments across multiple cell lines, the COVID-19 hit, throwing her plans — and progress — off course.

During these challenging times, Bokil found solace in her cultural roots and the warmth of community. She began teaching virtual BollyX classes — a dance similar to Zumba, but on Bollywood tunes — every Tuesday evening as a means to stay connected, a commitment she’s upheld ever since throughout her time in graduate school.

Beyond nurturing a sense of togetherness through dance, Bokil is committed to mentoring in science and celebrating improbable victories along a tedious research journey.

“I had a former lab mate who used to do what she called a data dance every time she had a graph she felt happy with,” Bokil recalls. “I think that should catch on a little bit more because it’s always a really good feeling to see how these experiments that have taken up so much of your time and effort are leading somewhere.”

A day in the life of graduate student and plant scientist Carly Martin

Carly Martin is developing a detailed map showcasing which genes are turned on or off across cell types during seed development as a graduate student in the Gehring Lab. In a new video series from the Whitehead Institute, see what a typical day is like for her as she explores innovative ways to enhance agricultural sustainability.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
May 14, 2024
Food for thought

Biology graduate student Juana De La O is building connections through her thesis work in mouse development and her passion for cooking and baking.

Lillian Eden | Department of Biology
January 10, 2024

MIT graduate student Juana De La O describes herself as a food-motivated organism, so it’s no surprise that she reaches for food and baking analogies when she’s discussing her thesis work in the lab of undergraduate officer and professor of biology Adam Martin.

Consider the formative stages of a croissant, she offers, occasionally providing homemade croissants to accompany the presentation: When one is forming the puff pastry, the dough is folded over the butter again and again. Tissues in a developing mouse embryo must similarly fold and bend, creating layers and structures that become the spine, head, and organs — but these tissues have no hands to induce those formative movements.

De La O is studying neural tube closure, the formation of the structure that becomes the spinal cord and the brain. Disorders like anencephaly and craniorachischisis occur when the head region fails to close in a developing fetus. It’s a heartbreaking defect, De La O says, because it’s 100 percent lethal — but the fetus fully develops otherwise.

“Your entire central nervous system hinges on this one event happening successfully,” she says. “On the fundamental level, we have a very limited understanding of the mechanisms required for neural closure to happen at all, much less an understanding of what goes wrong that leads to those defects.”

Hypothetically speaking

De La O hails from Chicago, where she received an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago and worked in the lab of Ilaria Rebay. De La O’s sister was the first person in her family to go to and graduate from college — De La O, in turn, is the first person in her family to pursue a PhD.

From her first time visiting campus, De La O could see MIT would provide a thrilling environment in which to study.

“MIT was one of the few places where the students weren’t constantly complaining about how hard their life was,” she says. “At lunch with prospective students, they’d be talking to each other and then just organically slip into conversations about science.”

The department emails acceptance letters and sends a physical copy via snail mail. De La O’s letter included a handwritten note from department head Amy Keating, then a graduate officer, who had interviewed De La O during her campus visit.

“That’s what really sold it for me,” she recalls. “I went to my PI [principal investigator]’s office and said, ‘I have new data’” and I showed her the letter, and there was lots of unintelligible crying.”

To prepare her for graduate school, her parents, both immigrants from Mexico, spent the summer teaching De La O to make all her favorite dishes because “comfort food feels like home.”

When she reached MIT, however, the Covid-19 pandemic ground the world to a halt and severely limited what students could experience during rotations. Far from home and living alone, De La O taught herself to bake, creating the confections she craved but couldn’t leave her apartment to purchase. De La O didn’t get to work as extensively as she would have liked during her rotation in the Martin lab.

Martin had recently returned from a sabbatical that was spent learning a new research model; historically a fly lab, Martin was planning to delve into mouse research.

“My final presentation was, ‘Here’s a hypothetical project I would hypothetically do if I were hypothetically going to work with mice in a fly lab,’” De La O says.

Martin recalls being impressed. De La O is skilled at talking about science in an earnest and engaging way, and she dug deep into the literature and identified points Martin hadn’t considered.

“This is a level of independence that I look for in a student because it is important to the science to have someone who is contributing their ideas and independent reading and research to a project,” Martin says.

After agreeing to join the lab — news she shared with Martin via a meme — she got to work.

Charting mouse development

The neural tube forms from a flat sheet whose sides rise and meet to create a hollow cylinder. De La O has observed patterns of actin and myosin changing in space and time as the embryo develops. Actin and myosin are fibrous proteins that provide structure in eukaryotic cells. They are responsible for some cell movement, like muscle contraction or cell division. Fibers of actin and myosin can also connect across cells, forming vast networks that coordinate the movements of whole tissues. By looking at the structure of these networks, researchers can make predictions about how force is affecting those tissues.

De La O has found indications of a difference in the tension across the tissue during the critical stages of neural tube closure, which contributes to the tissue’s ability to fold and form a tube. They are not the first research group to propose this, she notes, but they’re suggesting that the patterns of tension are not uniform during a single stage of development.

“My project, on a really fundamental level, is an atlas for a really early stage of mouse development for actin and myosin,” De La O says. “This dataset doesn’t exist in the field yet.”

However, De La O has been performing analyses exclusively in fixed samples, so she may be quantifying phenomena that are not actually how tissues behave. To determine whether that’s the case, De La O plans to analyze live samples.

The idea is that if one could carefully cut tissue and observe how quickly it recoils, like slicing through a taught rubber band, those measurements could be used to approximate force across the tissue. However, the techniques required are still being developed, and the greater Boston area currently lacks the equipment and expertise needed to attempt those experiments.

A big part of her work in the lab has been figuring out how to collect and analyze relevant data. This research has already taken her far and wide, both literally and virtually.

“We’ve found that people have been very generous with their time and expertise,” De La O says. “One of the benefits we, as fly people, brought into this field is we don’t know anything — so we’re going to question everything.”

De La O traveled to the University of Virginia to learn live imaging techniques from associate professor of cell biology Ann Sutherland, and she’s also been in contact with Gabriel Galea at University College London, where Martin and De La O are considering a visit for further training.

“There are a lot of reasons why these experiments could go wrong, and one of them is that I’m not trained yet,” she says. “Once you know how to do things on an optimal setup, you can figure out how to make it work on a less-optimal setup.”

Collaboration and community

De La O has now expanded her cooking repertoire far beyond her family’s recipes and shares her new creations when she visits home. At MIT, she hosts dinner parties, including one where everything from the savory appetizers to the sweet desserts contained honey, thanks to an Independent Activities Period course about the producers of the sticky substance, and she made and tried apple pie for the first time with her fellow graduate students after an afternoon of apple picking.

De La O says she’s still learning how to say no to taking on additional work outside of her regular obligations as a PhD student; she’s found there’s a lot of pressure for underrepresented students to be at the forefront of diversity efforts, and although she finds that work extremely fulfilling, she can, and has, stretched herself too thin in the past.

“Every time I see an application that asks ‘How will you work to increase diversity,’ my strongest instinct is just to write ‘I’m brown and around — you’re welcome,’” she jokes. “The greatest amount of diversity work I will do is to get where I’m going. Me achieving my goals increases diversity inherently, but I also want to do well because I know if I do, I will make everything better for people coming after me.”

De La O is confident her path will be in academia, and troubleshooting, building up protocols, and setting up standards for her work in the Martin Lab has been “an excellent part of my training program.”

De La O and Martin embarked on a new project in a new model for the lab for De La O’s thesis, so much of her graduate studies will be spent laying the groundwork for future research.

“I hope her travels open Juana’s eyes to science being a larger community and to teach her about how to lead a collaboration,” Martin says. “Overall, I think this project is excellent for a student with aspirations to be a PI. I benefited from extremely open-ended projects as a student and see, in retrospect, how they prepared me for my work today.”