Taking the pulse of sex differences in the heart

Work led by Talukdar and Page Lab postdoc Lukáš Chmátal shows that there are differences in how healthy male and female heart cells—specifically, cardiomyocytes, the muscle cells responsible for making the heart beat—generate energy.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
February 18, 2025

Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women, but it often presents differently depending on sex. There are sex differences in the incidence, outcomes, and age of onset of different types of heart problems. Some of these differences can be explained by social factors—for example, women experience less-well recognized symptoms when having heart attacks, and so may take longer to be diagnosed and treated—but others are likely influenced by underlying differences in biology. Whitehead Institute Member David Page and colleagues have now identified some of these underlying biological differences in healthy male and female hearts, which may contribute to the observed differences in disease.

“My sense is that clinicians tend to think that sex differences in heart disease are due to differences in behavior,” says Harvard-MIT MD-PhD student Maya Talukdar, a graduate student in Page’s lab. “Behavioral factors do contribute, but even when you control for them, you still see sex differences. This implies that there are more basic physiological differences driving them.”

Page, who is also an HHMI Investigator and a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and members of his lab study the underlying biology of sex differences in health and disease, and recently they have turned their attention to the heart. In a paper published on February 17 in the women’s health edition of the journal Circulation, work led by Talukdar and Page lab postdoc Lukáš Chmátal shows that there are differences in how healthy male and female heart cells—specifically, cardiomyocytes, the muscle cells responsible for making the heart beat—generate energy.

“The heart is a hard-working pump, and heart failure often involves an energy crisis in which the heart can’t summon enough energy to pump blood fast enough to meet the body’s needs,” says Page. “What is intriguing about our current findings and their relationship to heart disease is that we’ve discovered sex differences in the generation of energy in cardiomyocytes, and this likely sets up males and females differently for an encounter with heart failure.”

Page and colleagues began their work by looking for sex differences in healthy hearts because they hypothesize that these impact sex differences in heart disease. Differences in baseline biology in the healthy state often affect outcomes when challenged by disease; for example, people with one copy of the sickle cell trait are more resistant to malaria, certain versions of the HLA gene are linked to slower progression of HIV, and variants of certain genes may protect against developing dementia.

Identifying baseline traits in the heart and figuring out how they interact with heart disease could not only reveal more about heart disease, but could also lead to new therapeutic strategies. If one group has a trait that naturally protects them against heart disease, then researchers can potentially develop medical therapies that induce or recreate that protective feature in others. In such a manner, Page and colleagues hope that their work to identify baseline sex differences could ultimately contribute to advances in prevention and treatment of heart disease.

The new work takes the first step by identifying relevant baseline sex differences. The researchers combined their expertise in sex differences with heart expertise provided by co-authors Christine Seidman, a Harvard Medical School professor and director of the Cardiovascular Genetics Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School Professor Jonathan Seidman; and Zoltan Arany, a professor and director of the Cardiovascular Metabolism Program at the University of Pennsylvania.

Along with providing heart expertise, the Seidmans and Arany provided data collected from healthy hearts. Gaining access to healthy heart tissue is difficult, and so the researchers felt fortunate to be able to perform new analyses on existing datasets that had not previously been looked at in the context of sex differences. The researchers also used data from the publicly available Genotype-Tissue Expression Project. Collectively, the datasets provided information on bulk and single cell gene expression, as well as metabolomics, of heart tissue—and in particular, of cardiomyocytes.

The researchers searched these datasets for differences between male and female hearts, and found evidence that female cardiomyocytes have higher activity of the primary pathway for energy generation than male cardiomyocytes. Fatty acid oxidation (FAO) is the pathway that produces most of the energy that powers the heart, in the form of the energy molecule ATP. The researchers found that many genes involved in FAO have higher expression levels in female cardiomyocytes. Metabolomic data reinforced these findings by showing that female hearts had greater flux of free fatty acids, the molecules used in FAO, and that female hearts used more free fatty acids than did males in the generation of ATP.

Altogether, these findings show that there are fundamental differences in how female and male hearts generate energy to pump blood. Further experiments are needed to explore whether these differences contribute to the sex differences seen in heart disease. The researchers suspect that an association is likely, because energy production is essential to heart function and failure.

In the meantime, Page and his lab members continue to investigate the biology underlying sex differences in tissues and organs throughout the body.

“We have a lot to learn about the molecular origins of sex differences in health and disease,” Chmátal says. “What’s exciting to me is that the knowledge that comes from these basic science discoveries could lead to treatments that benefit men and women, as well as to policy changes that take sex differences into account when determining how doctors are trained and patients are diagnosed and treated.”

A planarian’s guide to growing a new head

Researchers at the Whitehead Institute have described a pathyway by which planarians, freshwater flatworms with spectacular regenerative capabilities, can restore large portions of their nervous system, even regenerating a new head with a fully functional brain.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
February 6, 2025

Cut off any part of this worm’s body and it will regrow. This is the spectacular yet mysterious regenerative ability of freshwater flatworms known as planarians. The lab of Whitehead Institute Member Peter Reddien investigates the principles underlying this remarkable feat. In their latest study, published in PLOS Genetics on February 6, first author staff scientist M. Lucila Scimone, Reddien, and colleagues describe how planarians restore large portions of their nervous system—even regenerating a new head with a fully functional brain—by manipulating a signaling pathway.

This pathway, called the Delta-Notch signaling pathway, enables neurons to guide the differentiation of a class of progenitors—immature cells that will differentiate into specialized types—into glia, the non-neuronal cells that support and protect neurons. The mechanism ensures that the spatial pattern and relative numbers of neurons and glia at a given location are precisely restored following injury.

“This process allows planarians to regenerate neural circuits more efficiently because glial cells form only where needed, rather than being produced broadly within the body and later eliminated,” said Reddien, who is also a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Coordinating regeneration

Multiple cell types work together to form a functional human brain. These include neurons and a more abundant group of cells called glial cells—astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes. Although glial cells are not the fundamental units of the nervous system, they perform critical functions in maintaining the connections between neurons, called synapses, clearing away dead cells and other debris, and regulating neurotransmitter levels, effectively holding the nervous system together like glue. A few years ago, Reddien and colleagues discovered cells in planarians that looked like glial cells and performed similar neuro-supportive functions. This led to the first characterization of glial cells in planarians in 2016.

Unlike in mammals where the same set of neural progenitors give rise to both neurons and glia, glial cells in planarians originate from a separate, specialized group of progenitors. These progenitors, called phagocytic progenitors, can not only give rise to glial cells but also pigment cells that determine the worm’s coloration, as well as other, lesser understood cell types.

Why neurons and glia in planarians originate from distinct progenitors—and what factors ultimately determine the differentiation of phagocytic progenitors into glia—are questions that still puzzled Reddien and team members. Then, a study showing that planarian neurons regenerate before glia formation led the researchers to wonder whether a signaling mechanism between neurons and phagocytic progenitors guides the specification of glia in planarians.

The first step to unravel this mystery was to look at the Notch signaling pathway, which is known to play a crucial role in the development of neurons and glia in other organisms, and determine its role in planarian glia regeneration. To do this, the researchers used RNA interference (RNAi)—a technique that decreases or completely silences the expression of genes—to turn off key genes involved in the Notch pathway and amputated the planarian’s head. It turned out Notch signaling is essential for glia regeneration and maintenance in planarians—no glial cells were found in the animal following RNAi, while the differentiation of other types of phagocytic cells was unaffected.

Of the different Notch signaling pathway components the researchers tested, turning of the genes notch-1delta-2, and suppressor of hairless produced this phenotype. Interestingly, the signaling molecules Delta-2 was found on the surface of neurons, whereas Notch-1 was expressed in phagocytic progenitors.

With these findings in hand, the researchers hypothesized that interaction between Delta-2 on neurons and Notch-1 on phagocytic progenitors could be governing the final fate determination of glial cells in planarians.

To test the hypothesis, the researchers transplanted eyes either from planarians lacking the notch-1 gene or from planarians lacking the delta-2 gene into wild-type animals and assessed the formation of glial cells around the transplant site. They observed that glial cells still formed around the notch-1 deficient eyes, as notch-1 was still active in the glial progenitors of the host wild-type animal. However, no glial cells formed around the delta-2 deficient eyes, even with the Notch signaling pathway intact in phagocytic progenitors, confirming that delta-2 in the photoreceptor neurons is required for the differentiation of phagocytic progenitors into glia near the eye.

“This experiment really showed us that you have two faces of the same coin—one is the phagocytic progenitors expressing Notch-1, and one is the neurons expressing Delta-2—working together to guide the specification of glia in the organism,”said Scimone.

The researchers have named this phenomenon coordinated regeneration, as it allows neurons to influence the pattern and number of glia at specific locations without the need for a separate mechanism to adjust the relative numbers of neurons and glia.

The group is now interested in investigating whether the same phenomenon might also be involved in the regeneration of other tissue types.

AI model deciphers the code in proteins that tells them where to go

Whitehead Institute and CSAIL researchers created a machine-learning model to predict and generate protein localization, with implications for understanding and remedying disease.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
February 13, 2025

Proteins are the workhorses that keep our cells running, and there are many thousands of types of proteins in our cells, each performing a specialized function. Researchers have long known that the structure of a protein determines what it can do. More recently, researchers are coming to appreciate that a protein’s localization is also critical for its function. Cells are full of compartments that help to organize their many denizens. Along with the well-known organelles that adorn the pages of biology textbooks, these spaces also include a variety of dynamic, membrane-less compartments that concentrate certain molecules together to perform shared functions. Knowing where a given protein localizes, and who it co-localizes with, can therefore be useful for better understanding that protein and its role in the healthy or diseased cell, but researchers have lacked a systematic way to predict this information.

Meanwhile, protein structure has been studied for over half-a-century, culminating in the artificial intelligence tool AlphaFold, which can predict protein structure from a protein’s amino acid code, the linear string of building blocks within it that folds to create its structure. AlphaFold and models like it have become widely used tools in research.

Proteins also contain regions of amino acids that do not fold into a fixed structure, but are instead important for helping proteins join dynamic compartments in the cell. MIT Professor Richard Young and colleagues wondered whether the code in those regions could be used to predict protein localization in the same way that other regions are used to predict structure. Other researchers have discovered some protein sequences that code for protein localization, and some have begun developing predictive models for protein localization. However, researchers did not know whether a protein’s localization to any dynamic compartment could be predicted based on its sequence, nor did they have a comparable tool to AlphaFold for predicting localization.

Now, Young, also member of the Whitehead Institute for Biological Research; Young lab postdoc Henry Kilgore; Regina Barzilay, the School of Engineering Distinguished Professor for AI and Health at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); and colleagues have built such a model, which they call ProtGPS. In a paper published on Feb. 6 in the journal Science, with first authors Kilgore and Barzilay lab graduate students Itamar Chinn, Peter Mikhael, and Ilan Mitnikov, the cross-disciplinary team debuts their model. The researchers show that ProtGPS can predict to which of 12 known types of compartments a protein will localize, as well as whether a disease-associated mutation will change that localization. Additionally, the research team developed a generative algorithm that can design novel proteins to localize to specific compartments.

“My hope is that this is a first step towards a powerful platform that enables people studying proteins to do their research,” Young says, “and that it helps us understand how humans develop into the complex organisms that they are, how mutations disrupt those natural processes, and how to generate therapeutic hypotheses and design drugs to treat dysfunction in a cell.”

The researchers also validated many of the model’s predictions with experimental tests in cells.

“It really excited me to be able to go from computational design all the way to trying these things in the lab,” Barzilay says. “There are a lot of exciting papers in this area of AI, but 99.9 percent of those never get tested in real systems. Thanks to our collaboration with the Young lab, we were able to test, and really learn how well our algorithm is doing.”

Developing the model

The researchers trained and tested ProtGPS on two batches of proteins with known localizations. They found that it could correctly predict where proteins end up with high accuracy. The researchers also tested how well ProtGPS could predict changes in protein localization based on disease-associated mutations within a protein. Many mutations — changes to the sequence for a gene and its corresponding protein — have been found to contribute to or cause disease based on association studies, but the ways in which the mutations lead to disease symptoms remain unknown.

Figuring out the mechanism for how a mutation contributes to disease is important because then researchers can develop therapies to fix that mechanism, preventing or treating the disease. Young and colleagues suspected that many disease-associated mutations might contribute to disease by changing protein localization. For example, a mutation could make a protein unable to join a compartment containing essential partners.

They tested this hypothesis by feeding ProtGOS more than 200,000 proteins with disease-associated mutations, and then asking it to both predict where those mutated proteins would localize and measure how much its prediction changed for a given protein from the normal to the mutated version. A large shift in the prediction indicates a likely change in localization.

The researchers found many cases in which a disease-associated mutation appeared to change a protein’s localization. They tested 20 examples in cells, using fluorescence to compare where in the cell a normal protein and the mutated version of it ended up. The experiments confirmed ProtGPS’s predictions. Altogether, the findings support the researchers’ suspicion that mis-localization may be an underappreciated mechanism of disease, and demonstrate the value of ProtGPS as a tool for understanding disease and identifying new therapeutic avenues.

“The cell is such a complicated system, with so many components and complex networks of interactions,” Mitnikov says. “It’s super interesting to think that with this approach, we can perturb the system, see the outcome of that, and so drive discovery of mechanisms in the cell, or even develop therapeutics based on that.”

The researchers hope that others begin using ProtGPS in the same way that they use predictive structural models like AlphaFold, advancing various projects on protein function, dysfunction, and disease.

Moving beyond prediction to novel generation

The researchers were excited about the possible uses of their prediction model, but they also wanted their model to go beyond predicting localizations of existing proteins, and allow them to design completely new proteins. The goal was for the model to make up entirely new amino acid sequences that, when formed in a cell, would localize to a desired location. Generating a novel protein that can actually accomplish a function — in this case, the function of localizing to a specific cellular compartment — is incredibly difficult. In order to improve their model’s chances of success, the researchers constrained their algorithm to only design proteins like those found in nature. This is an approach commonly used in drug design, for logical reasons; nature has had billions of years to figure out which protein sequences work well and which do not.

Because of the collaboration with the Young lab, the machine learning team was able to test whether their protein generator worked. The model had good results. In one round, it generated 10 proteins intended to localize to the nucleolus. When the researchers tested these proteins in the cell, they found that four of them strongly localized to the nucleolus, and others may have had slight biases toward that location as well.

“The collaboration between our labs has been so generative for all of us,” Mikhael says. “We’ve learned how to speak each other’s languages, in our case learned a lot about how cells work, and by having the chance to experimentally test our model, we’ve been able to figure out what we need to do to actually make the model work, and then make it work better.”

Being able to generate functional proteins in this way could improve researchers’ ability to develop therapies. For example, if a drug must interact with a target that localizes within a certain compartment, then researchers could use this model to design a drug to also localize there. This should make the drug more effective and decrease side effects, since the drug will spend more time engaging with its target and less time interacting with other molecules, causing off-target effects.

The machine learning team members are enthused about the prospect of using what they have learned from this collaboration to design novel proteins with other functions beyond localization, which would expand the possibilities for therapeutic design and other applications.

“A lot of papers show they can design a protein that can be expressed in a cell, but not that the protein has a particular function,” Chinn says. “We actually had functional protein design, and a relatively huge success rate compared to other generative models. That’s really exciting to us, and something we would like to build on.”

All of the researchers involved see ProtGPS as an exciting beginning. They anticipate that their tool will be used to learn more about the roles of localization in protein function and mis-localization in disease. In addition, they are interested in expanding the model’s localization predictions to include more types of compartments, testing more therapeutic hypotheses, and designing increasingly functional proteins for therapies or other applications.

“Now that we know that this protein code for localization exists, and that machine learning models can make sense of that code and even create functional proteins using its logic, that opens up the door for so many potential studies and applications,” Kilgore says.

Cellular interactions help explain vascular complications due to COVID-19 virus infection

Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch and colleagues have found that cellular interactions help explain how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could have such significant vascular complications, including blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
December 31, 2024

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease primarily affecting the lungs. However, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 surprised doctors and scientists by triggering an unusually large percentage of patients to experience vascular complications – issues related to blood flow, such as blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.

Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch and colleagues wanted to understand how this respiratory virus could have such significant vascular effects. They used pluripotent stem cells to generate three relevant vascular and perivascular cell types—cells that surround and help maintain blood vessels—so they could closely observe the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the cells. Instead of using existing methods to generate the cells, the researchers developed a new approach, providing them with fresh insights into the mechanisms by which the virus causes vascular problems. The researchers found that SARS-CoV-2 primarily infects perivascular cells and that signals from these infected cells are sufficient to cause dysfunction in neighboring vascular cells, even when the vascular cells are not themselves infected. In a paper published in the journal Nature Communications on December 30, Jaenisch, postdoc in his lab Alexsia Richards, Harvard University Professor and Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering Member David Mooney, and then-postdoc in the Jaenisch and Mooney labs Andrew Khalil share their findings and present a scalable stem cell-derived model system with which to study vascular cell biology and test medical therapies.

A new problem requires a new approach

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Richards, a virologist, quickly pivoted her focus to SARS-CoV-2. Khalil, a bioengineer, had already been working on a new approach to generate vascular cells. The researchers realized that a collaboration could provide Richards with the research tool she needed and Khalil with an important research question to which his tool could be applied.

The three cell types that Khalil’s approach generated were endothelial cells, the vascular cells that form the lining of blood vessels; and smooth muscle cells and pericytes, perivascular cells that surround blood vessels and provide them with structure and maintenance, among other functions. Khalil’s biggest innovation was to generate all three cell types in the same media—the mixture of nutrients and signaling molecules in which stem cell-derived cells are grown.

The combination of signals in the media determines the final cell type into which a stem cell will mature, so it is much easier to grow each cell type separately in specially tailored media than to find a mixture that works for all three. Typically, Richards explains, virologists will generate a desired cell type using the easiest method, which means growing each cell type and then observing the effects of viral infection on it in isolation. However, this approach can limit results in several ways. Firstly, it can make it challenging to distinguish the differences in how cell types react to a virus from the differences caused by the cells being grown in different media.

“By making these cells under identical conditions, we could see in much higher resolution the effects of the virus on these different cell populations, and that was essential in order to form a strong hypothesis of the mechanisms of vascular symptom risk and progression,” Khalil says.

Secondly, infecting isolated cell types with a virus does not accurately represent what happens in the body, where cells are in constant communication as they react to viral exposure. Indeed, Richards’ and Khalil’s work ultimately revealed that the communication between infected and uninfected cell types plays a critical role in the vascular effects of COVID-19.

“The field of virology often overlooks the importance of considering how cells influence other cells and designing models to reflect that,” Richards says. “Cells do not get infected in isolation, and the value of our model is that it allows us to observe what’s happening between cells during infection.”

Viral infection of smooth muscle cells has broader, indirect effects

When the researchers exposed their cells to SARS-CoV-2, the smooth muscle cells and pericytes became infected—the former at especially high levels, and this infection resulted in strong inflammatory gene expression—but the endothelial cells resisted infection. Endothelial cells did show some response to viral exposure, likely due to interactions with proteins on the virus’ surface. Typically, endothelial cells press tightly together to form a firm barrier that keeps blood inside of blood vessels and prevents viruses from getting out. When exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the junctions between endothelial cells appeared to weaken slightly. The cells also had increased levels of reactive oxygen species, which are damaging byproducts of certain cellular processes.

However, big changes in endothelial cells only occurred after the cells were exposed to infected smooth muscle cells. This triggered high levels of inflammatory signaling within the endothelial cells. It led to changes in the expression of many genes relevant to immune response. Some of the genes affected were involved in coagulation pathways, which thicken blood and so can cause blood clots and related vascular events. The junctions between endothelial cells experienced much more significant weakening after exposure to infected smooth muscle cells, which would lead to blood leakage and viral spread. All of these changes occurred without SARS-CoV-2 ever infecting the endothelial cells.

This work shows that viral infection of smooth muscle cells, and their resultant signaling to endothelial cells, is the lynchpin in the vascular damage caused by SARS-CoV-2. This would not have been apparent if the researchers had not been able to observe the cells interacting with each other.

Clinical relevance of stem cell results

The effects that the researchers observed were consistent with patient data. Some of the genes whose expression changed in their stem cell-derived model had been identified as markers of high risk for vascular complications in COVID-19 patients with severe infections. Additionally, the researchers found that a later strain of SARS-CoV-2, an Omicron variant, had much weaker effects on the vascular and perivascular cells than did the original viral strain. This is consistent with the reduced levels of vascular complications seen in COVID-19 patients infected with recent strains.

Having identified smooth muscle cells as the main site of SARS-Cov-2 infection in the vascular system, the researchers next used their model system to test one drug’s ability to prevent infection of smooth muscle cells. They found that the drug, N, N-Dimethyl-D-erythro-sphingosine, could reduce infection of the cell type without harming smooth muscle or endothelial cells. Although preventing vascular complications of COVID-19 is not as pressing a need with current viral strains, the researchers see this experiment as proof that their stem cell model could be used for future drug development. New coronaviruses and other pathogens are frequently evolving, and when a future virus causes vascular complications, this model could be used to quickly test drugs to find potential therapies while the need is still high. The model system could also be used to answer other questions about vascular cells, how these cells interact, and how they respond to viruses.

“By integrating bioengineering strategies into the analysis of a fundamental question in viral pathology, we addressed important practical challenges in modeling human disease in culture and gained new insights into SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Mooney says.

“Our interdisciplinary approach allowed us to develop an improved stem cell model for infection of the vasculature,” says Jaenisch, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Our lab is already applying this model to other questions of interest, and we hope that it can be a valuable tool for other researchers.”

Cellular traffic congestion in chronic diseases suggests new therapeutic targets

Many chronic diseases have a common denominator that could be driving their dysfunction: reduced protein mobility, which in turn reduces protein function. A new paper from the Young Lab describes this pervasive mobility defect.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
November 26, 2024

Chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and inflammatory disorders have a huge impact on humanity. They are a leading cause of disease burden and deaths around the globe, are physically and economically taxing, and the number of people with such diseases is growing.

Treating chronic disease has proven difficult because there is not one simple cause, like a single gene mutation, that a treatment could target. At least, that’s how it has appeared to scientists. However, research from Whitehead Institute Member Richard Young and colleagues, published in the journal Cell on November 27, reveals that many chronic diseases have a common denominator that could be driving their dysfunction: reduced protein mobility. What this means is that around half of all proteins active in cells slow their movement when cells are in a chronic disease state, reducing the proteins’ functions. The researchers’ findings suggest that protein mobility may be a linchpin for decreased cellular function in chronic disease, making it a promising therapeutic target.

In this paper, Young and colleagues in his lab, including postdoc Alessandra Dall’Agnese, graduate students Shannon Moreno and Ming Zheng, and research scientist Tong Ihn Lee, describe their discovery of this common mobility defect, which they call proteolethargy; explain what causes the defect and how it leads to dysfunction in cells; and propose a new therapeutic hypothesis for treating chronic diseases.

“I’m excited about what this work could mean for patients,” says Dall’Agnese. “My hope is that this will lead to a new class of drugs that restore protein mobility, which could help people with many different diseases that all have this mechanism as a common denominator.”

“This work was a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort that brought together biologists, physicists, chemists, computer scientists and physician-scientists,” Lee says. “Combining that expertise is a strength of the Young lab. Studying the problem from different viewpoints really helped us think about how this mechanism might work and how it could change our understanding of the pathology of chronic disease.”

Commuter delays cause work stoppages in the cell

How do proteins moving more slowly through a cell lead to widespread and significant cellular dysfunction? Dall’Agnese explains that every cell is like a tiny city, with proteins as the workers who keep everything running. Proteins have to commute in dense traffic in the cell, traveling from where they are created to where they work. The faster their commute, the more work they get done. Now, imagine a city that starts experiencing traffic jams along all the roads. Stores don’t open on time, groceries are stuck in transit, meetings are postponed. Essentially all operations in the city are slowed.

The slow down of operations in cells experiencing reduced protein mobility follows a similar progression. Normally, most proteins zip around the cell bumping into other molecules until they locate the molecule they work with or act on. The slower a protein moves, the fewer other molecules it will reach, and so the less likely it will be able to do its job. Young and colleagues found that such protein slow-downs lead to measurable reductions in the functional output of the proteins. When many proteins fail to get their jobs done in time, cells begin to experience a variety of problems—as they are known to do in chronic diseases.

Discovering the protein mobility problem

Young and colleagues first suspected that cells affected in chronic disease might have a protein mobility problem after observing changes in the behavior of the insulin receptor, a signaling protein that reacts to the presence of insulin and causes cells to take in sugar from blood. In people with diabetes, cells become less responsive to insulin — a state called insulin resistance — causing too much sugar to remain in the blood. In research published on insulin receptors in Nature Communications in 2022, Young and colleagues reported that insulin receptor mobility might be relevant to diabetes.

Knowing that many cellular functions are altered in diabetes, the researchers considered the possibility that altered protein mobility might somehow affect many proteins in cells. To test this hypothesis, they studied proteins involved in a broad range of cellular functions, including MED1, a protein involved in gene expression; HP1α, a protein involved in gene silencing; FIB1, a protein involved in production of ribosomes; and SRSF2, a protein involved in splicing of messenger RNA. They used single-molecule tracking and other methods to measure how each of those proteins moves in healthy cells and in cells in disease states. All but one of the proteins showed reduced mobility (about 20-35%) in the disease cells.

“I’m excited that we were able to transfer physics-based insight and methodology, which are commonly used to understand the single-molecule processes like gene transcription in normal cells, to a disease context and show that they can be used to uncover unexpected mechanisms of disease,” Zheng says. “This work shows how the random walk of proteins in cells is linked to disease pathology.”

Moreno concurs: “In school, we’re taught to consider changes in protein structure or DNA sequences when looking for causes of disease, but we’ve demonstrated that those are not the only contributing factors. If you only consider a static picture of a protein or a cell, you miss out on discovering these changes that only appear when molecules are in motion.”

 Can’t commute across the cell, I’m all tied up right now

Next, the researchers needed to determine what was causing the proteins to slow down. They suspected that the defect had to do with an increase in cells of the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), molecules that are highly prone to interfering with other molecules and their chemical reactions. Many types of chronic-disease-associated triggers, such as higher sugar or fat levels, certain toxins, and inflammatory signals, lead to an increase in ROS, also known as an increase in oxidative stress. The researchers measured the mobility of the proteins again, in cells that had high levels of ROS and were not otherwise in a disease state, and saw comparable mobility defects, suggesting that oxidative stress was to blame for the protein mobility defect.

The final part of the puzzle was why some, but not all, proteins slow down in the presence of ROS. SRSF2 was the only one of the proteins that was unaffected in the experiments, and it had one clear difference from the others: its surface did not contain any cysteines, an amino acid building block of many proteins. Cysteines are especially susceptible to interference from ROS because it will cause them to bond to other cysteines. When this bonding occurs between two protein molecules, it slows them down because the two proteins cannot move through the cell as quickly as either protein alone.

About half of the proteins in our cells contain surface cysteines, so this single protein mobility defect can impact many different cellular pathways. This makes sense when one considers the diversity of dysfunctions that appear in cells of people with chronic diseases: dysfunctions in cell signaling, metabolic processes, gene expression and gene silencing, and more. All of these processes rely on the efficient functioning of proteins—including the diverse proteins studied by the researchers. Young and colleagues performed several experiments to confirm that decreased protein mobility does in fact decrease a protein’s function. For example, they found that when an insulin receptor experiences decreased mobility, it acts less efficiently on IRS1, a molecule to which it usually adds a phosphate group.

From understanding a mechanism to treating a disease

Discovering that decreased protein mobility in the presence of oxidative stress could be driving many of the symptoms of chronic disease provides opportunities to develop therapies to rescue protein mobility. In the course of their experiments, the researchers treated cells with an antioxidant drug—something that reduces ROS—called N-acetyl cysteine and saw that this partially restored protein mobility.

The researchers are pursuing a variety of follow ups to this work, including the search for drugs that safely and efficiently reduce ROS and restore protein mobility. They developed an assay that can be used to screen drugs to see if they restore protein mobility by comparing each drug’s effect on a simple biomarker with surface cysteines to one without. They are also looking into other diseases that may involve protein mobility, and are exploring the role of reduced protein mobility in aging.

“The complex biology of chronic diseases has made it challenging to come up with effective therapeutic hypotheses,” says Young, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The discovery that diverse disease-associated stimuli all induce a common feature, proteolethargy, and that this feature could contribute to much of the dysregulation that we see in chronic disease, is something that I hope will be a real game changer for developing drugs that work across the spectrum of chronic diseases.”

Whitehead Institute Member Sebastian Lourido receives the 2024 William Trager Award

Sebastian Lourido was awarded the 2024 William Trager Award by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene for his pioneering use of CRISPR tools to study the biology of Toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasite that infects about 25% of humans.

Merrill Meadow | Whitehead Institute
November 14, 2024

The Trager Award recognizes scientists who have made substantial contributions to the study of basic parasitology through breakthroughs that have unlocked completely new areas of work.

ASTMH selected Lourido — who is also an associate professor of Biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds the Landon Clay Career Development Chair at Whitehead Institute — in recognition of his groundbreaking discoveries on the molecular biology of Toxoplasma. In particular, Lourido has been lauded for his use of cutting-edge CRISPR tools to study the fundamental biology of Toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasite that infects about 25 percent of humans.

“My laboratory colleagues and I are grateful for this recognition of our work, and for the wonderful opportunity it presents to more widely share the ideas and tools we have developed,” says Lourido, who will deliver a talk on his research at the ASTMH Annual Meeting in New Orleans on Nov. 15, 2024.

An elegant switch regulates production of protein variants during cell division

Cells make variants of thousands of proteins. These variants are not produced indiscriminately, but rather through precise regulatory mechanisms that can meet rapidly changing needs of the cell according to new research from the Cheeseman Lab.

Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
October 18, 2024

Our cells contain thousands of proteins that have gone largely undetected and unstudied until recent years: these are variants of known proteins, which cells can make when their protein-building machinery interacts differently with the same stretch of genetic code. These protein variants have typically been overlooked as occasional accidents of gene expression, but researchers including Whitehead Institute Member Iain Cheeseman are discovering that they are actually abundant and can play important roles in cell functions. Researchers in Cheeseman’s lab are studying individual protein variants to learn more about them and their roles in health and disease, but they also wanted to understand broader patterns of protein variant production: how do cells control when to make one variant of a protein versus another, and what are the consequences of such switches?

Cheeseman, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and graduate student in his lab Jimmy Ly have now identified how cells switch to a different pattern of protein variant production during mitosis, or cell division. In research published in the journal Nature on October 23, they show that this broad regulatory switch helps cells survive paused cell divisions that can sometimes occur in healthy humans or be triggered by certain chemotherapy treatments. The work confirms that cells make variants of thousands of proteins, and also demonstrates that cells do not do so indiscriminately. Rather, cells use precise regulatory mechanisms to switch between different patterns of protein variant production, in order to rapidly tailor the proteins available to fit the changing needs of the cell.

A plethora of hidden proteins

Hw can our cells contain unknown proteins? In high school biology classes, students learn the rule that each gene codes for exactly one protein, such that if you know an organism’s genetic code, you should know every protein it can make. In fact, there are instead many genes that code for multiple proteins. For a protein to be made, first the genetic code for it is copied from DNA into a messenger RNA (mRNA). Then, a ribosome, the cellular machine that follows the instructions in genetic code to build a protein, locates the coding sequence within the mRNA by scanning for the start codon, a sequence of the three bases A, U, and G – bases are the chemical building blocks of RNA, abbreviated as A, U, C, and G. The ribosome recognizes the AUG start codon as the place to begin following instructions, and builds a protein based on the genetic sequence from there through to another trio of bases called a stop codon. However, one way that different versions of a protein can be produced is that a ribosome may begin reading the instructions from multiple different starting points.

Sometimes, a ribosome may miss the first AUG start codon and skip ahead to another AUG somewhere in the middle of the gene’s code, creating a truncated version of the protein. Sometimes, a ribosome may treat a similar trio of bases, such as CUG or GUG, as a start codon. This can cause it to begin earlier, creating a protein based on an extended genetic sequence. These possibilities mean that cells contain thousands more different proteins, or variants of proteins, than are represented by the dogma of one gene, one protein.

In order to understand protein variant production, the researchers—in collaboration with researchers from Whitehead Institute Member David Bartel’s lab–used a method that let them carefully track ribosomes to compare which start sites ribosomes tended to use. They looked at start site selection during mitosis versus during the rest of the cell cycle and found that a dramatic shift in use occurred for thousands of start sites. Specifically, the researchers found that during mitosis, ribosome scanning becomes more stringent. The ribosome will only begin making proteins at AUG sequences, and even then, only at AUGs that have preferable sequences of bases surrounding them—known as a strong Kozak context. This increased selectivity does not always lead to the familiar version of the protein being made during mitosis; sometimes the first AUG start codon has a weak Kozak context, so a truncated protein gets made from an AUG start codon with a stronger Kozak context that lies within the gene.

“Coming into this project, we knew very little about protein production during mitosis—for a long time, people didn’t think much protein production happened in mitosis at all,” Ly says. “It was satisfying to show not only that it is occurring, but that there’s a shift in which proteins are being made—and that this shift is important for cellular viability.”

How cells switch between protein variant programs

The researchers next identified how the switch to increased stringency is initiated during mitosis. They discovered that the key player is a protein called eIF1, which is one of many partners that can pair with ribosomes to help them select their start site. In particular, increased eIF1 pairing with ribosomes causes the ribosomes to be more stringent in their start codon selection, inhibiting the usage of non-AUG initiation sites or sites with weak Kozak contexts.

During mitosis, ribosome pairing with eIF1 increases sharply, leading to the shift in stringency. This change in pairing rate during mitosis puzzled the researchers: ribosomes and their partners, including eIF1, all typically reside together in the main body of the cell—where ribosomes make proteins—so they should be able to pair freely at any time. The researchers looked for other molecules in the same location that could be altering how ribosomes and eIF1 interact during different parts of the cell cycle, but they couldn’t find anything. Eventually, the researchers realized that the answer to the puzzle lay in a separate location: the nucleus.

They found that cells maintain a large pool of eIF1 inside of the nucleus, locked away from the ribosomes. Then, during cell division, the wall of the nucleus dissolves, mixing its contents with the rest of the cell. This is necessary for the dividing cell to divvy up its DNA, but it also releases the pool of eIF1 to pair with ribosomes, increasing stringency. At the end of mitosis, the nucleus reforms and eIF1 is re-incorporated into the nucleus of each of the two daughter cells, and the cells return to a less stringent program.

“The explanation for increased interaction between eIF1 and ribosomes during mitosis had really stumped us, and so when I saw eIF1 localizing to the nucleus, that was a really exciting ‘aha’ moment,” Ly says. “Discovering this mechanism of nuclear release during mitosis was unexpected, and it’s interesting to think about how else cells might be using it.”

Consequences of increased stringency for the cell

Once the researchers understood the how, they then wanted to understand the why? What they discovered is that when cells have no nuclear pool of eIF1, and so no change in stringency during mitosis, they are more likely to die during mitosis. In particular, these cells fare poorly during mitotic arrest, a state in which cells get stuck in mitosis for hours or even days–much longer than typical mitosis. Arrest occurs when cells detect a possible cell division error and so halt their division until the error is corrected or the cell dies.

One effect of increased stringency during mitosis is related to mitochondria, which are required for energy production in many cell types and are therefore required for maintaining viability. Cells stuck in mitotic arrest need energy to keep them going through this unexpected delay. The researchers found that increased stringency during mitosis led to an increase in the production of important mitochondrial proteins, boosting the cells’ energy supply to get them through arrest.

Increased stringency also gives cells the tools they need to escape arrest, even if they haven’t fixed the error that caused them to pause division. In a Nature paper in 2023, Cheeseman and then-postdoc in his lab Mary-Jane Tsang showed that when cells build up enough of the truncated version of a protein called CDC20, they can escape arrest. Ly’s work adds to this story by showing that the nuclear release of eIF1 increases stringency, leading to more production of truncated CDC20 during mitosis, which explains how cells build up enough of this protein variant during mitosis to trigger their escape. These findings may have important potential implications for some cancer chemotherapy strategies.

Some chemotherapies work by trapping cancer cells in mitotic arrest until they die. Cheeseman, Tsang, and Ly’s work collectively shows that when cancer cells lack sufficient truncated CDC20—as can occur in the absence of nuclear eIF1—the cells cannot escape arrest and so are killed off by these chemotherapies at higher rates. These results could be used to improve the efficacy of antimitotic chemotherapy drugs.

The switch in protein variant production that the researchers found affects thousands of proteins. These newly identified protein variants serve as a foundation for many future projects in the lab.

As the researchers continue to examine the consequences of this switch to stringency during mitosis, they are also searching for other cases in which cells regulate protein variant production outside of mitosis. For example, the researchers are interested in how this switch in stringency affects fertility; immature egg cells spend a long time in a form of arrested cell division without an intact nucleus, and Ly observed eIF1 in the nucleus of the immature female eggs.

“Cells have axes of control that they use to quickly make broad changes in gene expression,” Cheeseman says. “Several of these are central to controlling cell division—for example, the role of phosphorylation as a regulatory switch in mitosis has been well studied. Our work identifies another axis of control, and we’re excited to discover more about when and how cells make use of it.”

Establishing boundaries of the genetic kind

The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is a critical area on the Y chromosome that swaps genetic information with the X chromosome. Recent research from the Page Lab reaffirms the location of PAR and offers a refined understanding of where crossover events occur.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
October 14, 2024

At first, the X and the Y sex chromosomes seemed like an unlikely pair. But then, researchers, including Whitehead Institute Member David Page, began finding clues that suggested otherwise: identical DNA sequences on the X and Y chromosomes.

Soon, it became clear that the tips of the X and Y chromosomes join together in a tight embrace, swapping genetic material during the process of sperm production from immature male germ cells. This limited area of genetic exchange between the two sex chromosomes is called the pseudoautosomal region (PAR).

But science is an iterative process—a continuous cycle of questioning, testing, and revising knowledge. Last fall, what had long been considered well established in genetics was called into question when new research suggested that the boundary of the PAR might be half a million base pairs away from the accepted location. Given that a typical human gene is about tens of thousands of base pairs, this length would potentially span multiple genes on the X and Y chromosomes, raising serious concerns about the accuracy and validity of decades of scientific literature.

Fortunately, new work from Page, research scientist Daniel Winston Bellott, and colleagues—published Oct. 14 in the American Journal of Human Genetics—offers clarity. In this study, the group re-examines the size of the PAR using sequencing data presented by outside researchers in their 2023 work, alongside decades of genomic resources, and single-cell sequencing of human sperm. Their findings confirm that the location of the boundary to the PAR, as identified by scientists in 1989, still holds true.

“If one is interested in understanding sex differences in health and disease, the boundary of the pseudoautosomal region is arguably the most fundamental landmark in the genome,” says Page, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Investigator with Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “Had this boundary been multiple genes off, the field would have been shaken to its foundations.”

Dance of the chromosomes

The X and Y chromosomes evolved from an ancestral pair of chromosomes with identical structures. Over time, the Y chromosome degenerated drastically, losing hundreds of functional genes. Despite their differences, the X and Y chromosomes come together during a special type of cell division called male meiosis, which produces sperm cells.

This process begins with the tips of the sex chromosomes aligning side by side like two strands of rope. As the X and Y chromosomes embrace each other, enzymes create breaks in the DNA. These breaks are repaired using the opposite chromosome as a template, linking the X and Y together. About half of the time, an entire segment of DNA, which often contains multiple genes, will cross over onto the opposite chromosome.

The genetic exchange, called recombination, concludes with the X and Y chromosomes being pulled apart to opposite ends of the dividing cell, ensuring that each chromosome ends up in a different daughter cell. “This intricate dance of the X and Y chromosomes is essential to a sperm getting either an X or a Y—not both, and not neither,” says Page.

This way when the sperm—carrying either an X or a Y—fuses with the egg—carrying an X—during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the right number of chromosomes and a mix of genetic material from both parents.

But that’s not all. The swapping of DNA during recombination also allows for the chromosomes to have the same genes but with slight variations. These unique combinations of genetic material across sex chromosomes are key to genetic diversity within a species, enabling it to survive, adapt, and reproduce successfully.

Beyond the region of recombination, the Y chromosome contains genes that are important for sex determination, for sperm production, and for general cellular functioning. The primary sex-defining gene, SRY, which triggers the development of an embryo into a male, is located only 10,000 bases from the boundary of the PAR.

Advancing together

To determine whether the location of this critical boundary on the human sex chromosomes—where they stop crossing over during meiosis and become X-specific or Y-specific—had been misidentified for over three decades, researchers began by comparing publicly-available DNA sequences from the X and the Y chromosomes of seven primate species: humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, siamangs, rhesus macaques, and colobus monkeys.

Based on the patterns of crossover between the X and the Y chromosomes of these species, the researchers constructed an evolutionary tree. Upon analyzing how DNA sequences close to and distant from the PAR boundary group together across species, the researchers found a substitution mutation—where a letter in a long string of letters is swapped for a different one—in the DNA of the human X and Y chromosomes. This change was also present in the chimpanzee Y chromosome, suggesting that the mutation originally occurred in the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees and was then transferred to the human X chromosome.

“These alignments between various primates allowed us to observe where the X and the Y chromosomes have preserved identity over millions of years and where they have diverged,” says Bellott. “That [pseudoautosomal] boundary has remained unchanged for 25 million years.”

Next, the group studied crossover events in living humans using a vast dataset of single-cell sequencing of sperm samples. They found 795 sperm with clear swapping of genetic material somewhere between the originally proposed boundary of the PAR and the newly-proposed 2023 boundary.

Once these analyses confirmed that the original location of the PAR boundary remains valid, Page and his team turned their attention to data from the 2023 study that contested this 1989 finding. The researchers focused on 10 male genomes assembled by the outside group, which contained contiguous sequences from the PAR.

Since substitutions on the Y chromosome typically occur at a steady rate, but in the PAR, changes on the X chromosome can transfer to the Y through recombination, the researchers compared the DNA sequences from the ten genomes to determine whether they followed the expected steady rate of change or if they varied.

The team found that close to the originally proposed PAR boundary, the DNA sequences changed at a steady rate. But further away from the boundary, the rate of change varied, suggesting that crossover events likely occurred in this region. Furthermore, the group identified several shared genetic differences between the X and the Y chromosomes of these genomes, which demonstrates that recombination has occurred even closer to the PAR boundary than scientists observed in 1989.

“Ironically, instead of contradicting the original boundary, the 2023 work has helped us refine the location of crossover to an even narrower area near the boundary,” says Page.

Thanks to the efforts of Page’s group at Whitehead Institute, our understanding of the PAR is clearer than ever, and business can go on as usual for researchers investigating sex differences in health and disease.

Bat cells possess a unique antiviral mechanism, preventing the SARS-CoV-2 virus from taking control

Bats have the amazing ability to coexist with viruses that are deadly to humans. New work from the Jaenisch Lab uncovers an antiviral mechanism that allows viruses to enter bat cells but prevents them from replicating.

Shafaq Zia | Whitehead Institute
October 14, 2024

Viruses are masters of stealth. From the moment a virus enters the host’s body, it begins hijacking its cells. First, the virus binds to a specific protein on the cell’s surface through a lock-and-key mechanism. This protein, known as a receptor, facilitates the entry of the virus’s genetic material into the cell. Once inside, this genetic code takes over the cell’s machinery, directing it to produce copies of the virus and assemble new viral particles, which can go on to infect other cells. Upon detecting the invasion, the host’s immune system responds by attacking infected cells in hopes of curbing the virus’s spread.

But in bats, this process unfolds differently. Despite carrying several viruses — Marburg, Ebola, Nipah, among others — bats rarely get sick from these infections. It seems their immune systems are highly specialized, allowing them to live with viruses that would typically be deadly in humans, without any clinical symptoms.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lab of Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch has been investigating the molecular basis of bats’ extraordinary resilience to viruses like SARS-CoV-2. In their latest study, published in the journal PNAS on Oct. 14 , Jaenisch lab postdoc Punam Bisht and colleagues have uncovered an antiviral mechanism in bat cells that allows viruses to enter the cells but prevents them from replicating their genome and completing the hijacking process.

“These cells have elevated expressions of antiviral genes that act immediately, neutralizing the virus before it can spread,” says Jaenisch, a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “What’s particularly interesting is that many of these antiviral genes have counterparts, or orthologs in humans.”

Striking a delicate balance

The innate immune system is the body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders like the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This built-in security system is always on alert, responding swiftly — within minutes to hours — to perceived threats.

Upon detecting danger, immune cells rush to the site of infection, where they target the virus with little precision in attempts to slow it down and buy time for the more specialized adaptive immune system to take over. During this process, these cells release small signaling proteins called cytokines, which coordinate the immune response by recruiting additional immune cells and directing them to the battleground.

If the innate immune response alone isn’t sufficient to defeat the virus, it signals the adaptive immune system for support. The adaptive immune system tailors its attacks to the exact pathogen it is fighting and can even keep records of past infections to launch a faster, more aggressive attack the next time it encounters the same pathogen.

But in some infections, the innate immune response can quickly spiral out of control before the adaptive immune response is activated. This phenomenon, called a cytokine storm, is a life-threatening condition characterized by the overproduction of cytokines. These proteins continue to signal the innate immune system for backup even when it’s not necessary, leading to a flood of immune cells at the site of infection, where they inadvertently begin damaging organs and healthy tissues.

Bats, on the other hand, are uniquely equipped to manage viral infections without triggering an overwhelming immune response or allowing the virus to take control. To understand how their innate immune system achieves this delicate balance, Bisht and her colleagues turned their attention to bat cells.

In this study, researchers compared how the SARS-CoV-2 virus replicates in human and bat stem cells and fibroblasts — a type of cell involved in the formation of connective tissue. While fibroblasts are not immune cells, they can secrete cytokines and guide immune response, particularly to help with tissue repair.

After exposing these cells to the SARS-CoV-2 virus for 48 hours, the researchers used a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) tag to track the virus’s activity. GFP is a fluorescent protein whose genetic code can be added as a tag to a gene of interest. This causes the products of that gene to glow, providing researchers with a visual marker of where and when the gene is expressed.

They observed that over 80% of control cells — derived from the kidneys of African green monkeys and known to be highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 — showed evidence of the virus replicating. In contrast, they did not detect any viral activity in human and bat stem cells or fibroblasts.

In fact, even after introducing the human ACE2 receptor — which SARS-CoV-2 uses to bind and enter cells — into bat cells, the infected bat fibroblasts were able to replicate viral RNA and produce viral proteins, but at much lower levels compared to infected human fibroblasts.

These bat fibroblasts, however, could not assemble these viral proteins into fully infectious virus particles, suggesting an abortive infection, where the virus is able to initiate replication but fails to complete the process and produce progeny viruses.

Using electron microscopy to look inside bat and human cells, they began to understand why: in human cells, SARS-CoV-2 had created special structures called double-membrane vesicles (DMV). These vesicles acted like a bubble, shielding the viral genome from detection and providing it safe space to replicate more effectively. However, these “viral replication factories” were absent in bat fibroblasts.

When the researchers examined the gene expression profiles of these bat fibroblasts and compared them those of infected human cells, they found that although both human and bat cells have genes regulating the release of a type of cytokine called interferons, these genes are already turned on in bat fibroblasts — unlike in human cells — even before virus infection occurs.

These findings suggest that bat cells are in a constant state of vigilance. This allows their innate immune system to stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus in its tracks early on in the replication process before it can entirely hijack cellular machinery.

Surprisingly, this antiviral mechanism does not protect bat cells against all viruses. When the researchers infected bat fibroblasts with Zika virus, the virus was able to replicate and produce new viral particles.

“This means there are still many questions unanswered about how bat cells resist infection,” says Bisht. “COVID-19 continues to circulate, and the virus is evolving quickly. Filling in these gaps in our knowledge will help us develop better vaccines and antiviral strategies.”
The researchers are now focused on identifying the specific genes involved in this antiviral mechanism, and exploring how they interact with the virus during infection.

A tour of our cells through time

From chemical reactions occurring in a splinter of a second, to evolution shaping species over billions of years, the processes that make up our biology occur in time frames both short and long. In this video, we will hear from Department of Biology Faculty and Whitehead Institute scientists on how their thinking about different time scales informs scientific discovery.

Produced by Madeleine Turner | Whitehead Institute
September 17, 2024

Hear from the Cheeseman Lab, Weissman Lab, Hravatin Lab, and Yamashita Lab at the Whitehead Institute in the following video.