Helping the immune system attack tumors

Stefani Spranger is working to discover why some cancers don’t respond to immunotherapy, in hopes of making them more vulnerable to it.

Anne Trafton | MIT News
February 26, 2025

In addition to patrolling the body for foreign invaders, the immune system also hunts down and destroys cells that have become cancerous or precancerous. However, some cancer cells end up evading this surveillance and growing into tumors.

Once established, tumor cells often send out immunosuppressive signals, which leads T cells to become “exhausted” and unable to attack the tumor. In recent years, some cancer immunotherapy drugs have shown great success in rejuvenating those T cells so they can begin attacking tumors again.

While this approach has proven effective against cancers such as melanoma, it doesn’t work as well for others, including lung and ovarian cancer. MIT Associate Professor Stefani Spranger is trying to figure out how those tumors are able to suppress immune responses, in hopes of finding new ways to galvanize T cells into attacking them.

“We really want to understand why our immune system fails to recognize cancer,” Spranger says. “And I’m most excited about the really hard-to-treat cancers because I think that’s where we can make the biggest leaps.”

Her work has led to a better understanding of the factors that control T-cell responses to tumors, and raised the possibility of improving those responses through vaccination or treatment with immune-stimulating molecules called cytokines.

“We’re working on understanding what exactly the problem is, and then collaborating with engineers to find a good solution,” she says.

Jumpstarting T cells

As a student in Germany, where students often have to choose their college major while still in high school, Spranger envisioned going into the pharmaceutical industry and chose to major in biology. At Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, her course of study began with classical biology subjects such as botany and zoology, and she began to doubt her choice. But, once she began taking courses in cell biology and immunology, her interest was revived and she continued into a biology graduate program at the university.

During a paper discussion class early in her graduate school program, Spranger was assigned to a Science paper on a promising new immunotherapy treatment for melanoma. This strategy involves isolating tumor-infiltrating T-cells during surgery, growing them into large numbers, and then returning them to the patient. For more than 50 percent of those patients, the tumors were completely eliminated.

“To me, that changed the world,” Spranger recalls. “You can take the patient’s own immune system, not really do all that much to it, and then the cancer goes away.”

Spranger completed her PhD studies in a lab that worked on further developing that approach, known as adoptive T-cell transfer therapy. At that point, she still was leaning toward going into pharma, but after finishing her PhD in 2011, her husband, also a biologist, convinced her that they should both apply for postdoc positions in the United States.

They ended up at the University of Chicago, where Spranger worked in a lab that studies how the immune system responds to tumors. There, she discovered that while melanoma is usually very responsive to immunotherapy, there is a small fraction of melanoma patients whose T cells don’t respond to the therapy at all. That got her interested in trying to figure out why the immune system doesn’t always respond to cancer the way that it should, and in finding ways to jumpstart it.

During her postdoc, Spranger also discovered that she enjoyed mentoring students, which she hadn’t done as a graduate student in Germany. That experience drew her away from going into the pharmaceutical industry, in favor of a career in academia.

“I had my first mentoring teaching experience having an undergrad in the lab, and seeing that person grow as a scientist, from barely asking questions to running full experiments and coming up with hypotheses, changed how I approached science and my view of what academia should be for,” she says.

Modeling the immune system

When applying for faculty jobs, Spranger was drawn to MIT by the collaborative environment of MIT and its Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, which offered the chance to collaborate with a large community of engineers who work in the field of immunology.

“That community is so vibrant, and it’s amazing to be a part of it,” she says.

Building on the research she had done as a postdoc, Spranger wanted to explore why some tumors respond well to immunotherapy, while others do not. For many of her early studies, she used a mouse model of non-small-cell lung cancer. In human patients, the majority of these tumors do not respond well to immunotherapy.

“We build model systems that resemble each of the different subsets of non-responsive non-small cell lung cancer, and we’re trying to really drill down to the mechanism of why the immune system is not appropriately responding,” she says.

As part of that work, she has investigated why the immune system behaves differently in different types of tissue. While immunotherapy drugs called checkpoint inhibitors can stimulate a strong T-cell response in the skin, they don’t do nearly as much in the lung. However, Spranger has shown that T cell responses in the lung can be improved when immune molecules called cytokines are also given along with the checkpoint inhibitor.

Those cytokines work, in part, by activating dendritic cells — a class of immune cells that help to initiate immune responses, including activation of T cells.

“Dendritic cells are the conductor for the orchestra of all the T cells, although they’re a very sparse cell population,” Spranger says. “They can communicate which type of danger they sense from stressed cells and then instruct the T cells on what they have to do and where they have to go.”

Spranger’s lab is now beginning to study other types of tumors that don’t respond at all to immunotherapy, including ovarian cancer and glioblastoma. Both the brain and the peritoneal cavity appear to suppress T-cell responses to tumors, and Spranger hopes to figure out how to overcome that immunosuppression.

“We’re specifically focusing on ovarian cancer and glioblastoma, because nothing’s working right now for those cancers,” she says. “We want to understand what we have to do in those sites to induce a really good anti-tumor immune response.”

PNAS Profile: Catherine Drennan

Structural intuitions lead to structural insights

Jennifer Viegas | PNAS
November 8, 2024

HHMI Investigator and Professor of Biology and Chemistry Catherine Drennan has spent a distinguished career addressing challenging and wide-ranging structural biology problems.

Catherine Drennan, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and professor and a professor of biology and chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has spent a distinguished career addressing challenging and wide-ranging structural biology problems. These include her discovery, while she was a graduate student, of the structure of vitamin B12 bound to protein and her recent determination at atomic resolution of the structure of an active ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) with water molecules, findings reported in her Inaugural Article (IA) (1).

Drennan, who was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2023, has uncovered the form and function of metalloenzymes that use metal cofactors to catalyze chemical reactions involving free radicals. Metalloenzymes are of broad human health and environmental interest; some are promising antibiotic and cancer drug targets, whereas others hold the potential for bioremediation efforts, such as converting carbon dioxide into biofuels.

Family of Accomplished Scientists

Drennan was raised in New York City by her father, an obstetrician–gynecologist, and her mother, an anthropologist. Her father was born in Germany and attended medical school at the University of Hamburg. Harboring antifascist leanings, he fled Germany in 1933. He completed medical training in Geneva, Switzerland, before obtaining political asylum in 1940 in the United States, where he became one of the first doctors to practice the Lamaze Method of natural childbirth.
Drennan’s mother attended Antioch College, where she was a student of civil engineer Arthur Ernest Morgan, who was appointed in 1948 to India’s first University Education Commission. She accompanied Morgan to India and served as his administrative assistant before earning her doctorate in anthropology at Cornell University.

“Both my parents were endlessly curious,” says Drennan. “My father was fascinated by the molecular basis of medicine, and my mother was fascinated by people and instilled in me her love for storytelling, teaching, and mentoring.”

Diagnosed with Dyslexia

Although she was an attentive student, Drennan did not learn to read until her second time through sixth grade. “When I finally learned how to read, it was by memorizing the shapes of words,” says Drennan, who was diagnosed with dyslexia when she was in first grade. “Over time I became very good at shape recognition. I am not disabled; I am differently abled. The skill set that I developed to compensate for my dyslexia has made me a world-class structural biologist. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and my ‘weakness’ is also my superpower.”
She was accepted to Vassar College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1985. “Miriam Rossi was my undergraduate chemistry research advisor, and she believed in me before I believed in me,” Drennan says. Upon Rossi’s advice, Drennan pursued a doctorate, but not before teaching high-school science and drama at Scattergood Friends School in Iowa.
Following three years of high-school teaching, Drennan pursued graduate studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she earned a PhD in 1995, served as a research fellow from 1995 to 1996, and was mentored by biochemists Martha Ludwig and Rowena Matthews. “They treated me as a colleague, allowing me to see myself as a scientist of value,” Drennan says. “I learned so much from these two incredible scientists. They are, and always will be, my heroes.”

Structure of Vitamin B12 Bound to Protein

With Ludwig et al., Drennan determined the structure of cobalamin (vitamin B12) bound to protein (2). This crystal structure revealed how the protein modulates the reactivity of the B12 cofactor to enable its critical roles in metabolism.
From 1996 to 1999, Drennan did a postdoctoral stint at the California Institute of Technology, under the mentorship of structural biologist Douglas Rees. “Doug taught by example that one does not have to be cutthroat to succeed in the competitive area of structural biology,” she says. “He has continued to mentor me throughout my career, helping me through challenging times.”
Another important mentor was chemist JoAnne Stubbe, a leader in the study of RNRs who recruited Drennan to MIT in 1999 as an assistant professor of chemistry and has been her collaborator for the past 25 years. Drennan says, “Her passion for scientific discovery is unmatched and has inspired me to keep digging to try to understand, at the most fundamental level, how ribonucleotide reductase works.” Drennan advanced to an associate professorship at MIT in 2004 and a full professorship in 2006.

Revealing Metalloenzyme Form and Function

Drennan’s group continues to study B12 and has provided numerous snapshots of cobalamin-dependent proteins and protein complexes. The findings have changed what is known about B12 functions and mechanisms. Using X-ray crystallography, the researchers unveiled a protein complex capable of methyl transfer from folate to B12 (3). They obtained snapshots of the biological process involved in loading B12 into an enzyme (4) and provided structural data on how B12 can be repurposed from enzyme cofactor to light sensor (5).
Drennan has also worked on uncovering the structures of enzymes containing radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) cofactors. Drennan and colleagues revealed an X-ray structure of a radical SAM enzyme (6), helping to establish the “core” fold for an enzyme superfamily that has over 100,000 members. Her group further elucidated structures of SAM family members with functions including posttranslational modification (7), antibiotic and antiviral compound biosynthesis (89), and vitamin biosynthesis (610).
Mononuclear nonheme iron enzymes are also of interest to Drennan. The cofactor is simple, but the reactions catalyzed are complex. Her group reported the structure of a nonheme iron halogenase, showing that the halogen binds directly to the catalytic iron (11). Drennan says, “This was a complete surprise that required new mechanistic proposals to be written.”

“Oceanic Methane Paradox”

Early in her independent career, Drennan determined one of the first structures of a nickel-iron-sulfur-dependent carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH), which plays an important role in the global carbon cycle (12). The structure, along with that of an associated enzyme complex (13), provided a series of snapshots of the multiple metal ion centers underlying the ability of certain microbes to live off hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide in a process known as acetogenesis. More recently, they investigated the molecular basis by which the activity of CODH enzymes can be restored after oxygen exposure (14), a discovery with implications for the industrial use of CODHs.
Drennan and her team have also studied the organic compound methylphosphonate that was proposed as a source of methane from the aerobic upper ocean; the biological source was long a mystery. When a methylphosphonate synthase was discovered by chemical biologist Wilfred van der Donk and coworkers, part of the mystery was solved but the gene for this enzyme did not appear to be widespread. When Drennan and colleagues solved the structure of a methylphosphonate synthase; however, they discovered a sequence motif showing that the gene was, in fact, abundant in microbes that inhabit the upper ocean (15). This seminal finding is credited with resolving the oceanic methane paradox.

Radical-Based Chemistry in Ribonucleotide Reductases

Human RNR is an established chemotherapeutic target, and bacterial RNRs hold promise as antibiotic targets. So Drennan and her team have a longstanding interest in uncovering the mechanisms of RNRs. In 2002, her lab determined the structure of a B12-dependent RNR, which showed how cobalamin could be used to initiate radical chemistry (16). Nearly a decade later, Drennan’s team revealed how high levels of the nucleotide deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) down-regulate RNR activity (1718). They subsequently provided structures showing the molecular basis of allosteric specificity, which maintains the proper ratios of RNA to DNA building blocks (19), and demonstrated the importance of RNR activity regulation (20).
An atomic-resolution structure of any RNR in an active state had been elusive for many years. Drennan and her team achieved the feat in 2020 when they trapped the active state of Escherichia coli RNR and determined its structure by cryoelectron microscopy (21). However, the resolution of the structure was too low for the visualization of water molecules believed to be critical in the radical transfer pathway.
In her IA, Drennan (1) describes how her team resolved the problem, presenting the structure of an active RNR at atomic resolution allowing for the visualization of water molecules. She explains, “This time, instead of using unnatural amino acids to trap the structure, we used a mechanism-based inhibitor. It was a very long road to get to these data, but it was worth the wait.”

“Superheroes of the Cell”

For her achievements, Drennan has received MIT’s Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2005, 2024), the Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Award from The Protein Society (2020), and the William C. Rose Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2023), among other honors. She has mentored nearly 100 undergraduates and dozens of graduate students and postdoctoral associates, many of whom are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds. She considers her students extended family members and takes pride in their accomplishments.
She and her team continue to work on RNR using the tools of structural biology. She says, “We want to obtain a deeper level of understanding of the human RNR, which is a cancer drug target. We also want to identify differences between the human enzyme and bacterial RNRs, differences that could be exploited in the development of new antibiotics.”
Beyond these efforts, Drennan’s overall goal is to understand how enzymes control radical species to enable challenging chemical reactions without damaging themselves or their cellular environment. “Radical enzymes are like the Avengers, powerful but with a high potential for collateral damage,” she explains. “I am fascinated by how nature catalyzes the most challenging of chemical reactions. The enzymes that do this work are the superheroes of the cell and I want to know their secrets.”
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