Revealing an imperfect actor in plant biotechnology

Whitehead Institute researchers detect the chemical mistakes of a common herbicide-resistance enzyme, then successfully re-engineer it for enhanced precision.

Nicole Davis | Whitehead Institute
November 29, 2017

A research team led by MIT’s Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research has harnessed metabolomic technologies to unravel the molecular activities of a key protein that enables plants to withstand a common herbicide.

Their findings reveal how the protein — a kind of catalyst or enzyme first isolated in bacteria and introduced into plants such as corn and soybeans in the 1990s — can sometimes act imprecisely, and how it can be successfully re-engineered to be more precise. The new study, which appears online in the journal Nature Plants, raises the standards for bioengineering in the 21st century.

“Our work underscores a critical aspect of bioengineering that we are now becoming technically able to address,” says senior author Jing-Ke Weng, a member of the Whitehead Institute and an assistant professor of biology at MIT. “We know that enzymes can behave indiscriminately. Now, we have the scientific capabilities to detect their molecular side effects, and we can leverage those insights to design smarter enzymes with enhanced specificity.”

Plants provide an extraordinary model for scientists to study how metabolism changes over time. Because they cannot escape from predators or search for new food sources when supplies run low, plants must often grapple with an array of environmental insults using what is readily available — their own internal biochemistry.

“Although they appear to be stationary, plants have rapidly evolving metabolic systems,” Weng explains. “Now, we can gain an unprecedented view of these changes because of cutting-edge techniques like metabolomics, allowing us to analyze metabolites and other biochemicals on a broad scale.”

Key players in this evolutionary process, and a major focus of research in Weng’s laboratory, are enzymes. Traditionally, these naturally occurring catalysts have been viewed as mini-machines, taking the proper starting material (or substrate) and flawlessly converting it to the correct product. But Weng and other scientists now recognize that they make mistakes, often by latching on to an unintended substrate.

“This concept, known as enzyme promiscuity, has a variety of implications, both in enzyme evolution and more broadly, in human disease,” Weng says.

It also has implications for bioengineering, as Bastien Christ, a postdoctoral fellow in Weng’s laboratory, and his colleagues recently discovered.

Christ, then a graduate student in Stefan Hörtensteiner’s lab at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, was studying a particular strain of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as part of a separate project when he made a puzzling observation. He found that two biochemical compounds were present at unusually high levels in the plant’s leaves.

Strangely, these compounds (called acetyl-aminoadipate and acetyl-tryptophan) weren’t present in any of the normal, so-called wild type plants. As he and his colleagues searched for an explanation, they narrowed in on the source: an enzyme, called BAR, that was engineered into the plants as a kind of chemical beacon, enabling scientists to more readily study them.

But BAR is more than just a tool for scientists. It is also one of the most commonly deployed traits in genetically modified crops such as soybeans, corn, and cotton, enabling them to withstand a widely-used herbicide (known as phosphinothricin or glufosinate).

For decades, scientists have known that BAR, originally isolated from bacteria, can render the herbicide inactive by tacking on a short string of chemicals, made of two carbons and one oxygen (also called an acetyl group). As the researchers describe in their Nature Plants paper, BAR has a promiscuous side, and can work on other substrates, too, such as the amino acids tryptophan and aminoadipate (a lysine derivative).

That explains why they can detect the unintended products (acetyl-tryptophan and acetyl-aminoadipate) in crops genetically engineered to carry BAR, such as soybeans and canola.

Their research included detailed studies of the BAR protein, including crystal structures of the protein bound to its substrates. This provided them with a blueprint for how to strategically modify BAR to make it less promiscuous, and favor only the herbicide as a substrate and not the amino acids. Christ and his colleagues created several versions that lack the non-specific activity of the original BAR protein.

“These are natural catalysts, so when we borrow them from an organism and put them into another, they may not necessarily be perfect for our purposes,” Christ says. “Gathering this kind of fundamental knowledge about how enzymes work and how their structure influences function can teach us how to select the best tools for bioengineering.”

There are other important lessons, too. When the BAR trait was first evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995 for use in canola, and in subsequent years for other crops, metabolomics was largely non-existent as a technology for biomedical research. Therefore, it could not be applied toward the characterization of genetically engineered plants and foods, as part of their regulatory review. Nevertheless, acetyl-aminoadipate and acetyl-tryptophan, which are normally present in humans, have been reviewed by the FDA and are safe for human and animal consumption.

Weng and his colleagues believe their study makes a strong case for considering metabolomics analyses as part of the review process for future genetically engineered crops.

“This is a cautionary tale,” Weng says.

The work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the EU-funded Plant Fellows program, the Pew Scholar Program in the Biomedical Sciences, and the Searle Scholars Program.

Stefani Spranger


  • PhD, 2011, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich/Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich
  • MSc, Biology, 2008, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich/Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich
  • BSc, Biology, 2005, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich/Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich

Research Summary

We examine the interaction between cancer and immune cells. Using tumor mouse models designed to mimic tumor progression in humans, we investigate the co-evolution of the anti-tumor immune response and cancer. Understanding the interplay between tumor cells and immune cells will help develop and improve effective cancer immunotherapies.


  • Forbeck Fellow, 2015
Jianzhu Chen


  • PhD, 1990, Stanford University
  • BS, 1982, Biology, Wuhan University

Research Summary 

We seek to understand the immune system and its application in cancer immunotherapy and vaccine development. We study the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind immunological and disease processes, leveraging the vast array of genomic data, humanized mice and clinical samples.


  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow, 2012
Eric S. Lander


  • PhD, 1981, Oxford University
  • AB, 1978, Mathematics, Princeton University

Research Summary

Following the successful completion of the Human Genome Project, the challenge now is to decipher the information encoded within the human genetic code — including genes, regulatory controls and cellular circuitry. Such understanding is fundamental to the study of physiology in both health and disease. At the Broad Institute, my lab collaborates with other to discover and understand the genes responsible for rare genetic diseases, common diseases, and cancer; the genetic variation and evolution of the human genome; the basis of gene regulation via enhancers, long non-coding RNAs, and three-dimensional folding of the genome; the developmental trajectories of cellular differentiation; and the history of the human population.


  • William Allan Award, American Society of Human Genetics, 2018
  • James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, MIT, 2016
  • Block Memorial Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Research, Ohio State University, 2013
  • AAAS Philip Hauge Abelson Prize, 2015
  • Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, 2013
  • Harvey Prize for Human Health, Technion University, Israel, 2012
  • Dan David Prize, 2012
  • Albany Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research, Albany Medical College, 2010
  • Gairdner Foundation International Award, Canada, 2002
  • Max Delbruck Medal, Berlin, 2001
  • MacArthur Foundation, MacArthur Fellowship, 1987
Harvey F. Lodish


  • PhD, 1966, Rockefeller University
  • BS, 1962, Chemistry and Mathematics, Kenyon College

Research Summary

Harvey Lodish has been a leader in molecular cell biology as well as a biotechnology entrepreneur for over five decades. Much of his early research focused on the regulation of messenger RNA translation and the biogenesis of plasma membrane glycoproteins. Beginning in the 1980s, his research focused on cloning and characterizing many proteins, microRNAs, and long noncoding RNAs important for red cell development and function. His laboratory was the first to clone and sequence mRNAs encoding many hormone receptors, mammalian glucose transport proteins, and proteins important for adipose cell formation and function. He went on to identify and characterize several genes and proteins involved in insulin resistance and stress responses in adipose cells. Over the years, he has mentored hundreds of undergraduates, PhD and MD/PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows, and continues to teach award-winning undergraduate and graduate classes on biotechnology.

Harvey Lodish closed his lab in 2020 and is no longer accepting students.


  • Wallace H. Coulter Award for Lifetime Achievement in Hematology, American Society of Hematology, 2021
  • Donald Metcalf Award, International Society for Experimental Hematology, 2020
  • American Society for Cell Biology WICB Sandra K. Masur Senior Leadership Award, 2017
  • Pioneer Award, Diamond Blackfan Anemia Foundation, 2016
  • Mentor Award in Basic Science, American Society of Hematology, 2010
  • President, American Society for Cell Biology, 2004
  • Associate Member, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), 1996
  • National Academy of Sciences, Member, 1987
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow, 1986
  • John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Guggenheim Fellowship, 1977
Rudolf Jaenisch


  • MD, 1967, University of Munich

Research Summary

We aim to understand the epigenetic regulation of gene expression in mammalian development and disease. Embryonic stem cells are important because they have the potential to generate any cell type in the body and, therefore, have great potential for regenerative medicine. We study the way somatic cells reprogram to an embryonic pluripotent state, and use patient specific pluripotent cells to study complex human diseases.


  • German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Otto Warburg Medal, 2014
  • New York Academy, Medicine Medal, 2013
  • Franklin Institute, Benjamin Franklin Medal, 2013
  • National Science Foundation, National Medal of Science, 2011
  • National Science Foundation, National Medal of Science, 2010
  • National Academy of Sciences, Member, 2003
Susumu Tonegawa


  • PhD, 1968, University of California, San Diego
  • BS, 1963, Chemistry, Kyoto University

Research Summary

We are interested in the molecular, cellular and neural circuit mechanisms underlying learning and memory in rodents. We generate genetically engineered mice, and analyze them through multiple methods including molecular and cellular biology, electrophysiology, microscopic imaging, optogenetic engineering, and behavioral studies. Ultimately, we aim to detect the effects of our manipulations at multiple levels in the brain — deducing which behaviors or cognitions are causally linked to specific processes and events taking place at the molecular, cellular, and neuronal circuit levels.


  • The Nobel Foundation, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1987
  • Albert and Mary Lasker Award in Basic Research, 1987
  • National Academy of Sciences, Member, 1986
New player in cellular signaling

Researchers have identified a key nutrient sensor in the mTOR pathway that links nutrient availability to cell growth.

Nicole Giese Rura | Whitehead Institute
November 9, 2017

To survive and grow, a cell must properly assess the resources available and couple that with its growth and metabolism — a misstep in that calculus can potentially cause cell death or dysfunction. At the crux of these decisions is the mTOR pathway, a cellular pathway connecting nutrition, metabolism, and disease.

The mTOR pathway incorporates input from multiple factors, such as oxygen levels, nutrient availability, growth factors, and insulin levels to promote or restrict cellular growth and metabolism. But when the pathway runs amok, it can be associated with numerous diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding the various sensors that feed into the mTOR pathway could lead to novel therapies for these diseases and even aging, as dialing down the mTOR pathway is linked to longer lifespans in mice and other organisms.

Although the essential amino acid methionine is one of the key nutrients whose levels cells must carefully sense, researchers did not know how it fed into the mTOR pathway — or if it did at all. Now, Whitehead Institute Member David Sabatini and members of his laboratory have identified a protein, SAMTOR, as a sensor in the mTOR pathway for the methionine derivative SAM (S-adenosyl methionine). Their findings are described in the current issue of the journal Science.

Methionine is essential for protein synthesis, and a metabolite produced from it, SAM, is involved in several critical cellular functions to sustain growth, including DNA methylation, ribosome biogenesis, and phospholipid metabolism. Interestingly, methionine restriction at the organismal level has been linked to increased insulin tolerance and lifespan, similar to the antiaging effects associated with inhibition of mTOR pathway activity. But the connection between mTOR, methionine, and aging remains elusive.

“There are a lot of similarities between the phenotypes of methionine restriction and mTOR inhibition,” says Sabatini, who is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a professor of biology at MIT. “The existence of this protein SAMTOR provides some tantalizing data suggesting that those phenotypes may be mechanistically connected.”

Sabatini identified mTOR as a graduate student and has since elucidated numerous aspects of its namesake pathway. He and his lab recently pinpointed the molecular sensors in the mTOR pathway for two key amino acids: leucine and arginine. In the current line of research, co-first authors of the Science paper Xin Gu and Jose Orozco, both graduate students Sabatini’s lab, identified a previously uncharacterized protein that seemed to interact with components of the mTOR pathway. After further investigation, they determined that the protein binds to SAM and indirectly gauges the pool of available methionine, making this protein — SAMTOR — a specific and unique nutrient sensor that informs the mTOR pathway.

“People have been trying to figure out how methionine was sensed in cells for a really long time,” Orozco says. “I think that this is the first time in mammalian cells a mechanism has been found to describe the way methionine can regulate a major signaling pathway like mTOR.”

The current research indicates that SAMTOR plays a crucial role in methionine sensing. Methionine metabolism is vital for many cellular functions, and the Sabatini lab will further investigate the potential links between SAMTOR and the extended lifespan and increased insulin sensitivity effects that are associated with low methionine levels.

“It is very interesting to consider mechanistically how methionine restriction might be associated in multiple organisms with beneficial effects, and identification of this protein provides us a potential molecular handle to further investigate this question,” Gu says. “The nutrient-sensing pathway upstream of mTOR is a very elegant system in terms of responding to the availability of certain nutrients with specific mechanisms to regulate cell growth. The currently known sensors raise some interesting questions about why cells evolved sensing mechanisms to these specific nutrients and how cells treat these nutrients differently.”

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, and the Paul Gray UROP Fund.

Retinoic acid regulates transitions in mouse sperm production
November 7, 2017

CAMBRIDGE, MA – Sperm production requires progression through a well-orchestrated series of transitions in the testes that move diploid spermatogonia cells, with two complete sets of chromosomes, through a series of transitions to produce haploid sperm, with one copy of each chromosome, poised to swim and fertilize an available egg. There are four major transitions in sperm production, or spermatogenesis. The first is spermatogonial differentiation, during which spermatogonia differentiate, losing their stem-cell like qualities. The resulting spermatocytes then initiate meiosis and undergo two rounds of cell division to generate haploid spermatids. The spermatids undergo elongation and then the resulting sperm are released.

The signals that control progression through these transitions were poorly understood until 2015, when David Page, Member and Director of Whitehead Institute, professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and investigator with Howard Hughes Medical Institute and colleagues determined that retinoic acid (RA), a derivative of vitamin A that has been shown to play a key role in a number of developmental processes, was responsible for coordinating the first two stages of spermatogenesis-differentiation and meiosis. Now, in a paper published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Page, first author Tsutomu Endo, and colleagues extend those findings to show that RA signaling in mice coordinates the second two transitions as well.

Diagram of model by which retinoic acid coordinates spermatogenesisThe researchers used chemical manipulation of RA levels to determine that RA controlled the second two transitions, spermatid elongation and sperm release, in addition to the first two. With this knowledge in hand, the researchers were then able to drill down and get a better picture of how RA regulates male gamete production. One outstanding question has been how males are able to continually produce sperm throughout their lifetime, in contrast with females whose egg production and maturation is limited. Page and colleagues measured RA levels in the testes and discovered that it is cyclically produced, driving production of sperm during the male lifetime. In addition to the timing of RA production, the researchers also examined its source. From which cells was the RA signal coming? During the first two transitions, they determined that the RA was coming from the somatic Sertoli cells, the support cells of the testes, and in the second two transitions they determined that it was being released by the germ cells themselves-the meiotic (pachytene-stage) spermatocytes were found to be secreting RA to other germ cells in the testes.

These findings not only contribute to our fundamental understanding of male gamete formation, they also provide important clues for the field of reproductive technology. For years, scientists have been working on making gametes in the laboratory, but have had difficulty making functional sperm. This discovery of the role of RA in spermatogenesis adds important tools to the toolbox of assisted reproduction. The work shows that RA is required in both the early and late transitions of spermatogenesis and sheds light on an important component of laboratory efforts for sperm production.

Other researchers involved include Elizaveta Freinkman and Dirk G. de Rooij.

This research was supported by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and the United States Department of Defense (DoD W81XWH-15-1-0337)

Written by Lisa Girard
David Page’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and a Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Paper cited: Endo, T et al.  Periodic production of retinoic acid by meiotic and somatic cells coordinates four transitions in mouse spermatogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1710837114. Epub 2017 Nov 6.
Other work cited: Endo T et al. Periodic retinoic acid-STRA8 signaling intersects with periodic germ-cell competencies to regulate spermatogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1505683112. Epub 2015 Apr 20.
A new workflow for natural product characterization comes ashore with red algae
October 30, 2017

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – A few years ago while paddling off the coast near La Jolla, California, avid surfer Roland Kersten noticed a piece of red algae (Laurenica pacifica) bobbing alongside his surfboard. Kersten, whose background is in natural product chemistry, was intrigued.

Natural products—chemicals from living organisms such as plants and algae—represent a rich source of potential therapeutics. A majority of anti-cancer drugs are natural product-based or inspired. One such well-known natural product—the potent anti-cancer drug Taxol—was identified in the bark of a yew tree.

Marine algae, like the red algae Kersten found, are often rich in compounds called sesquiterpenes, some of which have been shown to have potential medicinal attributes. Since the 1970s, scientists identified many sesquiterpenes produced by Laurencia species with anti-cancer properties. The identification techniques usually required about tens of milligrams of purified compounds, which were obtained from more than a kilogram of algae. Because Laurencia and the reef ecosystems in which it thrives are protected, and such large-scale harvesting for scientific or medicinal purposes is no longer tenable, Kersten had to devise a different approach to analyze its sesquiterpenes.

Kersten received a collection permit to clamber over the rocky shore at deep low tide to collect a hand-sized sample of the red algae. Now a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Whitehead Member and Massachusetts Institute of Technology assistant professor of biology Jing-Ke Weng, Kersten’s first task was to search the RNA sequences of all genes expressed in his red algae sample to find those whose product seemed likely to be enzymes that make sesquiterpenes.  In order to determine the product generated by these enzymes, he engineered them in yeast and isolated its sesquiterpene products.

In order to define the first step in the biogenesis of sesquiterpenes in red algae, Kersten wanted to see the precise 3-D structure of the isolated sesquiterpene. But the small handful of algae he had obtained produced only a fraction of the amount required for x-ray crystallography, the established method for determining a compound’s absolute structure. So Kersten tried a method recently developed by collaborator Makoto Fujita at the University of Tokyo that requires only a few nanograms of material: soaking extracted compounds into a special crystalline sponge, which supports the sample’s molecular shape while it is bombarded with x-rays to accurately determine the 3-D conformation of a molecule. A new combination of the crystalline sponge method and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy by the Fujita group revealed the structure of prespatane.

With the compound’s structure in hand, Kersten is closer to understanding how Laurenciabiosynthesizes its sesquiterpenes and how to engineer yeast to produce the same molecules for medicinal research at scale—without touching the red algae flourishing on protected reefs. And the novel workflow—spanning genomics, metabolomics, synthetic biology, and x-ray crystallography with crystalline sponges—established by Weng, Kersten, and their collaborators may expedite the identification of other promising compounds produced by organisms from both land and sea.

Other contributors to this work include Shoukou Lee of Tokyo University, Daishi Fujita of Tokyo University and Whitehead Institute, Tomáš Pluskal of Whitehead Institute.  The team also collaborated with researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Salk Institute of Biological Sciences.

This work was supported by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Simons Foundation, the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences, the Searle Scholars Program, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

 Written by Nicole Giese Rura
* * *
Jing-Ke Weng’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also an assistant professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* * *
Full Citation:
“A Red Algal Bourbonane Sesquiterpene Synthase Defined by Microgram-scale NMR-coupled Crystalline Sponge XRD Analysis”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, online October 30, 2017.
Roland D. Kersten (1,6), Shoukou Lee (2,6) , Daishi Fujita (1,2) , Tomáš Pluskal (1) , Susan Kram (3), Jennifer E. Smith (3) , Takahiro Iwai (2) , Joseph P. Noel (4) , Makoto Fujita (2), Jing-Ke Weng (1,5).
1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 455 Main Street, Cambridge, MA, United States
2. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, JST-ACCEL, Tokyo, Japan
3. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
4. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Jack H. Skirball Center for Chemical Biology and Proteomics, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, United States
5. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
6. These authors contributed equally