News Story Pitch Submission Form


Do you have a research project or imminent paper that might work as an MIT News story or news brief for our website? Tell us about it!

Please fill out this form at least one month prior to online publication. A good time would be when you hear from the journal that your paper will likely be accepted after the next round of revisions. We will not share your unpublished manuscript, but we need ample time to pitch the study to MIT News or write the article ourselves. MIT News will not cover studies once the embargo has lifted. You do not need to fill out all the fields below, but the more info you can provide the faster we can get started.

Questions? Email

    Title (required)

    If other, please explain

    Upload or link to any relevant files, including the manuscript and additional background information. We will keep all unpublished materials confidential. Please note there is a 1MB limit per file. If your files exceed this limit, you can upload them to Dropbox and include a link to the folder in one of the fields below.