Date Filter June 2022SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Building 68 EventsColloquium SeriesDeadlinesDEI EventsGraduate Student EventsOther Scientific PresentationsOutreach EventsPostdoc EventsProfessional DevelopmentScientific PresentationsScientific RetreatsSocial EventsSpecial EventsThesis DefensesUndergraduate Events Events for Friday, Jun 3, 2022 Thesis Defense: Doug Brown Chen lab I "MFSD7C is an ATP Transporter that Supports Bacterial Killing by Alveolar Macrophages in a Lipid-Rich Microenvironment” I Pswrd: mfsd7c Thesis Defenses Friday, Jun 3, 2022, 2:00PM Luria Auditorium, Koch Institute, 76-156 06/03/2022 02:00 PM America/New_York Thesis Defense: Doug Brown Chen lab I "MFSD7C is an ATP Transporter that Supports Bacterial Killing by Alveolar Macrophages in a Lipid-Rich Microenvironment” I Pswrd: mfsd7c Luria Auditorium, Koch Institute, 76-156