Raleigh McElvery
April 24, 2019
We would like to share news on changes to the Biology major that will take effect Fall of 2019. Over the past year, the department has been revising its lab curriculum in order to accommodate the increasing number of students doing interdisciplinary Biology-related majors and to respond to the large numbers of students doing UROPs. Course 7 and 7A will be consolidated into a single major. Current 7A students will graduate with a Course 7 degree.
Most of the major requirements have stayed the same. The major changes are in the lab curriculum and are described as follows:
7.02 (18 units, CI-M) will be discontinued
- Students who already took this course are all set. If a student has not taken this course, there are other options to fulfill the lab requirement.
- 7.02 will be replaced with two courses 7.002 (6 units, Fall & Spring) and 7.003 (12 units, CI-M, Fall & Spring). Both must be taken to fulfill the lab requirement and the CI-M. We hope the modularization of these courses will help students to fit them in their schedule
7.18 (30 units, CI-M) will be discontinued
- If a student already took this course, it will count and they are all set.
- If a student did not take it, they will need a second CI-M. 7.19 (12 units, CI-M) is a Biology CI-M that substitutes for 7.18.
- Other CI-Ms can also be used and are listed on the degree charts.
We hope that these changes will enhance the student experience at MIT, and we are happy to hear and help you solve any concerns that you have. If you have questions, please contact the Education Office.